On the official Twitter account of “Catholic Charities” in San Francisco, several tweets were posted that commemorate the “Pride” month of June; including a tribute to the late LGBT-rights advocate Harvey Milk, a guide on how to honor “Pride” at home, and how to celebrate “Pride in Place.” On April 14, 2020, the annual San Francisco “Pride” events and parade were cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic.
On June 1, 2020, Catholic Charities in San Francisco retweeted an article from the San Francisco “lifestyle” web-site 7X7. Titled “Pride in Place: 50 Ways to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of San Francisco Pride,” the June 1, 2020 article offers a list of things to do and places to go when celebrating “Pride” month. They include: “Wander the Leather District,” which comprises the SOMA (South of Market) District in San Francisco that is the center of the Leather and BDSM communities; “Eat a Cookie Dick” at the notorious Castro Street bakery (Hot Cookie) which features edible treats in the shape of intimate body parts; and “Get stoned, courtesy of a lesbian-owned cannabis delivery service.”
In 2018, San Francisco Catholic Charities promoted a “Christmas Performance” of the Gay Men’s Chorus.
The Archdiocese of San Francisco is home to several parishes with a long history of LGBT advocacy, including Most Holy Redeemer (MHR) in the Castro District, the Jesuit parish of St. Agnes, and the Jesuit-run University of San Francisco (USF.) MHR is currently staffed by the pro-LGBT religious order The Missionaries of the Precious Blood; this Lent, the parish offered an LGBT version of the Stations of the Cross; also featured on the San Francisco Catholic Charities Twitter account is a testimony from LGBT-rights lawyer Nanette Lee Miller who is a longtime MHR parishioner; in the past, St. Agnes parish and its associated Ignatian Spiritual Life Center have offered LGBTQ workshops; and USF is home to the openly gay Jesuit Donal Godfrey; the University has also offered free lessons on how to “tuck and bind safely.” Tucking refers to the practice of concealing the male genitals within the body in order to appear in drag; and binding refers to securing the female breasts in order to appear more masculine – or flat-chested.
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is on the “Board of Directors,” serving as Chairman, for Catholic Charities in San Francisco.
Update: The current Chief Operating Officer at Catholic Charities San Francisco is Chas Lopez. From 2015, Lopez served as Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion at the leftist environmental activist group Earthjustice. Formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Earthjustice has repeatedly aligned itself with Planned Parenthood as well as other progressive causes and organizations. Following the election of Donald Trump, Earthjustice sponsored a Love-A-Thon, where, according to Earthjustice: “celebrities and musicians will aim to raise more than $500,000 for Earthjustice and our friends at Planned Parenthood and the ACLU of Southern California.” In 2017, Earthjustice opposed the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, because, in addition to other issues, he “showed repeated antipathy for reproductive rights.” In 2020, Earthjustice published an article entitled “Why Queer Liberation Is an Environmental Justice Issue.”
On September 4, 2020, Catholic Charities San Francisco Retweeted a photograph (see below) of the Mayor of San Francisco with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The bar a bishop needs to meet to be considered a “trad” and “super-orthodox” is about a half-inch off the ground.
Brother Joseph thank you for your work, standing for the truth and calling out evil.
Another reason to become Orthodox.
Modern Catholicism is doomed.
If you want to go to heaven or even purgatory, you have to confront evil. I’m afraid for my own soul because our Faith teaches us that the road is very narrow that leads to heaven, but if our bishops can’t stand up to this filth, then I’m very afraid for their souls.
Maybe, Rob. It looks deader than a doornail, for sure. It should be staggering to see Catholic Charities support Pride, but it isn’t. These men are all cut from the same, gay cloth. We’re on to them now, nobody should be fooled anymore. Catholics who give money to this or pretend this is still the Catholic church are out of their minds. That ship left long ago.
God bless you Joseph. It can’t be easy to be you. I imagine the love letters you get, with not much love in them.
The Catholic response to LGBT persons is to love them as Christ loved them, but not support and condone their lifestyle. This is the first I have heard about SF Catholic Charities blatantly supporting and advertising ways to “celebrate” “pride” in SF. MHR should have been shut down many years ago, but the archbishops continue to let them send souls to hell.
Good God. Francis evil idiocy is spreading.
God bless you! Sick news…
“Catholic” Charities has NOT been Catholic for at least 50 years. The Bishop should disband it, but he would probably be crucified. Besides their Board is inhabited by leftist “Big Donors”?
When did we forget that June was the month of the Sacred Heart?
The “Catholic” church is overwhelmingly gay gay gay!
The RC Church is riddled with error and false teachings and . She teaches false doctrines. Its no surprise of this all coming out. There is only one Holy father and He lives in unapproacha=ble light.
Thank you! I am not catholic, but am sadden to see such liberalism spread throughout all the fellowships these days. I had to share your article as a back up to a lifenews article I shared (on FB). I had a dear Catholic friend in Ukraine that said it was fake news. Sadly, it’s not. Good on you for exposing evil Ephesians 5:11