1. James Caviezel in “The Passion of the Christ”
Although he was backed up with an incredible director and script, this could have gone so wrong. But Caviezel gives a restrained performance that is nevertheless powerful and unforgettable. The actor disappears, and all that remains is the image of whom he represents. Incredible.
2. Jeffrey Hunter in “King of Kings”
Hunter was able to accomplish the tricky feat of both portraying Christ as God and man. He is elevated, but we understand Him. He is God, but approachable.
3. Max von Sydow in “The Greatest Story Ever Told”
Unlike, Hunter, von Sydow slightly missed the mark and is a bit too removed. But he completely captured the gentle, but also power, strength of Our Lord.
4. Robert Powell in “Jesus of Nazareth”
Probably the best, over all, film ever made about Christ. However, Powell’s performance is distant and icy. Jesus remains somewhat aloof. Regardless, he does give us a glimpse of Jesus’ calm assuredness.
5. Robert Wilson in “Day of Triumph”
Although Wilson looked too old for the part, he have a mature and solidly masculine performance that was subtle, but powerful; overall, the film is a forgotten treasure.
I loved The Passion of the Christ. I need to see it again to be reminded. Thanks for posting. God is good!