Bruno Bordas*
*According to an interview conducted in 2008, Bordas revealed that he spent time at an Argentine seminary studying for the priesthood before leaving to enter the gay lifestyle and the porn industry. Asked about the sin he confessed most often, Bordas said: “…there was a time, especially in adolescence, in which I masturbated often – causing great shame And to do it thinking about boys was adding to my guilt… the questionable thing is that the priest often played down the veracity that I was attracted to boys, saying that perhaps it was due to the fact that I had not been with women, or to the fact that friendship can often be mistaken for a desire towards the other person.” (In hind-sight, probably not the best advice from the priest; in essence, being too dismissive allows the homosexual impulses to take a firmer stronghold within the child as the clear cause of the same-sex attraction is not addressed.) Later, Bordas said he was told that sexual desires are a matter of “sublimación” (suppression); this never works; for it was the suppression of childhood trauma which initially triggered the homosexuality in the first place – suppressing it again just adds to the person’s dysfunction.
He died of meningitis. Thanks for posting the case joshep.
he had 40 years of age.
Sublimación is translated as sublimation: the diversion of psychic energy derived from sexual impulses into nonsexual activity, esp of a creative nature.
I posted a few days ago the he knew Exactly what he was doing…I feel bad about that now, he must have really suffered in his life . Bless this poor guy..