It has been important to me too, Joseph, to find the faith tradition which recognizes and unites brothers and sisters in Christ in the most Godly manner possible. We want to be acknowledged, neither excluded nor stigmatized; and, importantly, held to the same high standard as all others. One barrier to this attainment is, we all compartmentalize: clergy, monastics, laity — the victimized very much the more so, out of self-protective necessity, it would seem. We cannot truly see nor be seen in the way that matters the most.
Lo, One, in whose bright image we are made, uniquely capable of truly seeing and knowing each of us, appears. There is rejoicing! Yet this same One made us familial; tribal; connected profoundly. So, here we are suspended, as it were, between the clouds and the clay. We long ultimately for heaven. Meanwhile all Christian Faith, God-inspired and God-mandated as it is, is, unfortunately, too often taken by man as a matter of dominion. Perhaps this is man’s imperfect response to the challenge of managing the magnitude of this suspended state.
It has been important to me too, Joseph, to find the faith tradition which recognizes and unites brothers and sisters in Christ in the most Godly manner possible. We want to be acknowledged, neither excluded nor stigmatized; and, importantly, held to the same high standard as all others. One barrier to this attainment is, we all compartmentalize: clergy, monastics, laity — the victimized very much the more so, out of self-protective necessity, it would seem. We cannot truly see nor be seen in the way that matters the most.
Lo, One, in whose bright image we are made, uniquely capable of truly seeing and knowing each of us, appears. There is rejoicing! Yet this same One made us familial; tribal; connected profoundly. So, here we are suspended, as it were, between the clouds and the clay. We long ultimately for heaven. Meanwhile all Christian Faith, God-inspired and God-mandated as it is, is, unfortunately, too often taken by man as a matter of dominion. Perhaps this is man’s imperfect response to the challenge of managing the magnitude of this suspended state.
Forgive me if I have merely muddied the waters!