Pope Francis has replaced Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard with liberal Jozef De Kesel for the archdiocese of Brussels, Belgium. During a news conference announcing his appointment, when asked about homosexuals, he answered, “I have much respect for gays,” including “their way of living their sexuality.”
Is this what you “respect?”
“It is not uncommon for MSM to use (and occasionally abuse) enemas for hygiene or autoerotic activity. These practices and others may perforate or tear the delicate tissues in the anus and rectum…
Problems such as external hemorrhoids, tags, and anal fissures are often treated conservatively. While this may work for most patients, some may request minor surgery to remove a tag or hemorrhoid for cosmetic reasons because they or their partners don’t like the way it looks. Some MSM confuse external hemorrhoids with HPV and are reticent to have anal sex with a partner who has them. Patients might also complain of bleeding during anal sex from an irritated hemorrhoid or a fissure that repeatedly opens. While they might be symptom-free during bowel movements, their sex life is affected. If conservative therapy does not solve the problem, surgery might be necessary.”1.
“Direct oral-anal sexual contact is a common practice among men who have sex with men (MSM) and is implicated in the transmission of various enteric pathogens including intestinal parasites…The emergence and spread of intestinal parasites is of public health concern particularly in the homosexual community.”2.
“MSM are far more likely to be diagnosed with other STDs, some of which have become resistant to commonly used antibiotics, and some of which can make them more vulnerable to infection with HIV. They are more likely than other men to engage in a wide variety of sexual practices which have the potential to spread STDs, to do so with a larger number of partners in venues which cater to multiple and anonymous sexual encounters. Given the proliferation of sexual networks and international travel, new diseases and mutated forms of old diseases present a constant challenge to the medical profession. In 2004, there was an outbreak of lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), a previously rare sexually transmitted disease among MSM engaging in ‘leather parties’ in the Netherlands. Outbreaks of LGV were reported in England and the US. Hepatitis C, which can lead to liver cancer, can be sexually transmitted and is spreading not only among HIV-positive gay men, but also among HIV-negative MSM. Human papillomavirus is epidemic and has led to a dramatic increase in anal cancer among MSM, especially those who are HIV positive.”3.
1. “Anorectal Sexually Transmitted Infections in Men Who Have Sex with Men—Special Considerations for Clinicians.”
Stephen E. Goldstone, M.D. and Mark L. Welton, M.D.
Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2004 Nov; 17(4): 235–239.
2. “Sexual transmission of intestinal parasites in men who have sex with men.”
Abdolrasouli A, et al.
Sex Health. 2009 Sep;6(3):185-94.
3. “The syndemic of AIDS and STDS among MSM.”
Dale O’Leary
Linacre Q. February, 2014; 81(1): 12–37.
I'm sick just reading this. But sin does make us sick.
What can we expect from Belgium? The locus of paedophilia.
What is happening with our catholic leaders(clergy)…