On June 21, 2017, Deacon Guillermo Rodriguez (pictured above in “Star Wars” costume) of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles posted several comments on Facebook in response to a post from Catholic author and blogger Leila Miller concerning the pastoral practices of James Martin, S.J. Rodriguez is currently serving “in the Hispanic ministry at St. Paschal Baylon. Ordained in 2011, he has served in restorative justice, youth groups, RCIA, religious education, charismatic renewal, the Conejo Valley Interfaith Council, and several others. Memo and his wife, Liliana, are facilitators for the Diaconate Formation Program for the Archdiocese.” Liliana is also the Principal of St. Catherine of Siena School in Reseda.

Miller wrote:

This former religious brother left religious life to “be with” his long-term male “partner.” Why would someone as influential as Fr. James Martin a) mention that part at all, and b) mention it so happily/positively?
Fr. Martin has no fear of either scandal or censure.

Rodriguez responded:

Fr. Jim is spearheading an effort to build bridges between the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community. I am not sure he is doing so without the support of a good portion of the hierarchy, so I don’t think he has anything to fear.
Of course, we appreciate his leadership and his passion.
The Church is moving. I’d advise everyone to make up their minds about getting on board or not.

When his statement in support of Martin was questioned by Miller and others, Rodriquez wrote:

Let me just say that I will continue to exercise my ministry with the authority given to me on my ordination and under the guidance I receive from my archbishop.

He added: We have just celebrated 31 years of the Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles with the full support from our Archbishop, just as we did under his predecessor. I have to assume Archbishop Gomez is in agreement with what the ministry is doing.

Both the former and current chairs of The Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons have spoken out publicly criticizing the inclusion of the term “intrinsically “disordered” in the Catechism and have asked for its removal. There are also several other gay-marriage advocates and apologists in various ministerial positions within the Archdiocese (see herehere, and here.)

When questioned about 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Rodriquez posted:

Clearly those behaviors listed there are sinful, no less and no more than others listed there. Do you think greedy corporate executives receive the same treatment in the Church as, say, a male prostitute?
What about behaviors not condemned in that passage, such as a committed, exclusive, life-long same sex relationship?
I am no[t] so sure that every same-sex relationship is offensive to God. I know that is the current position of the Church and I am bound not to teach against it, but doctrine develops and it is our duty to ask the hard questions.
This topic is not the exception.

Rodriguez’s defense of same-sex relationships is not new; on July 6, 2015, he engaged in another Facebook conversation regarding the same issue – this time in Spanish. Here is both the original Spanish and a Facebook transition to English:

Facebook post: Asta que veo a alguien defendiendo el matrimonio entre parejas hombre mujer la cual es la célula de la sociedad . Y si estoy en contra del matrimonio hh mm eso no es matrimonio .

Until I see someone defending the marriage between couples woman, which is the cell of society. And if I’m against marriage hh mm, that’s not marriage.

Guillermo Rodriguez: Si, pero también estoy de acuerdo que las parejas del mismo sexo deben tener una institución que ampare sus derechos y de estabilidad a sus hogares. Le podemos (y debemos) llamar de otra forma, pero el caso es que tener una pareja estable y reconocida por la ley es mejor que no tenerla

Yes, but I also agree that same-sex couples should have an institution to protect their rights and stability to their homes. We can (and we must) call otherwise, but the case is that having a stable and recognized partner is better than not having it

Guillermo Rodriguez: Yo también defiendo el matrimonio de un hombre y una mujer, pero con igual fuerza y por las mismas razones defiendo la dignidad y los derechos de mis hermanos y hermanas homosexuales.

I also defend the marriage of a man and a woman, but with equal strength and for the same reasons I defend the dignity and rights of my gay brothers and sisters.

Facebook post: Pues no estoy de acuerdo contigo compadre ellos tienen derechos nadie se los quita como cualquier ciudadano tienen derechos y obligaciones pero el querer tener derechos por sus desviaciones sexuales porque es una desviación no me vengan con otra cosa que son incomprendidos que son iguales que nosotros etc… no estoy de acuerdo se tienen que someter a un tratamiento psicológico y un diagnóstico que determine si nació o se hizo joto aquí no hay gays quieren suavizar el tema y darle un matiz de que son gente incomprendida y que tienen los mismos derechos que los demás cuando en la misma biblia dios los condena es mas los vomita no entiendo ahora la postura de todos incluso la iglesia ahora asta los quiere casar incluso los casa en algunas partes del mundo me queda claro los políticos van por su voto y la iglesia va por el perdón así de fácil pero como le explicas a tu hijo o hija cuando dos cabrones se dan un beso o van agarraditos de la mano mirándose bien tiernos que es la moda que es normal que no pasa nada que son hermanos hijos de dios y que se vale querer y tener sexo entre personas del mismo sexo que la naturaleza y dios se equivocan de ves en cuando y que no pasa nada por favor.

Well I don’t agree with you compadre they have rights no one takes them away as any citizen have rights and obligations but wanting to have rights for their sexual diversions because it is a diversion do not come to me with anything that they are misunderstood that they are the same as us etc… I do not agree they have to be subjected to psychological treatment and a diagnosis that determines whether or not they were born or done here there are no gays want to soften the issue and give it a nuance that they are misunderstood people and who have the same rights as others when In the same Bible God condemns them more the I do not understand now the position of all even the church now until they want to marry even the house in some parts of the world it is clear to me the politicians go for their vote and the church goes for forgiveness So easy but how do you explain to your son or daughter when two [censored] kiss or go hand in hand looking cute and cute that is the fashion that is normal that nothing happens that are brothers children of God and that it is worth wanting And having sex between people of the same sex that nature and God are wrong to see in time and there’s nothing going on.

Guillermo Rodriguez: No compadre. La psicología contemporánea no considera la homosexualidad como una desviación y la Biblia puede interpretarse de manera que la condena a la homosexualidad no es absoluta, sino comparable a la que la misma Biblia hace de conductas heterosexuales. Yo prefiero explicar a los niños que dos hombres o dos mujeres pueden amarse y demostrarse cariño decorosa que explicar por que la mamá tiene un ojo morado o por qué el papá que estaba antes ya no está, sino que ahora tiene otra pareja que no es mamá. Tienes razón, Dios no se equivoca, mis hermanos y hermanas homosexuales no son un error, sino hijos e hijas amadísimos de Dios.

Not compadre. Contemporary Psychology does not consider homosexuality as a diversion and the Bible can be interpreted in such a way that condemnation of homosexuality is not absolute, but comparable to that which the same bible makes heterosexual conduct. I prefer to explain to the kids that two men or two women can love each other and prove decent affection to explain why the mom has a black eye or why the dad who was before is gone, but now has another couple who is not mom . You are right, God is not wrong, my gay brothers and sisters are not a mistake, but sons and daughters of God.

Facebook post: Y como le vas a explicar que su mama es un hombre y que su papa de ves en cuando también es mujer pero tiene barba y habla ronco compadre con todo respeto no traten de tapar el sol con un dedo eso a todas luces esta mal y no funciona así es como si le pones unas llantas cuadradas a un carro y me quieres convencer que son redondas pero que estas brincan un poco pero son iguales yo defiendo a la familia y en algunos asuntos que me a tocado asesorar para algún divorcio primero esta la familia porque es el núcleo de la sociedad la familia es la clave para que una sociedad de un estado y de un país funcione y como va a funcionar bien con semejantes contrariedades te insisto el tratar de suavizar el tema diciéndoles gays chicos buena onda de ambiente y peor aun dándoles permiso para que se casen y anden con sus jotadas por todos lados sin ton ni son va a terminar mal te mandar unas fotos de unos chavos de ambiente que se juntan en la av . Chapultepec y otros mas que se juntan en plaza andares para que te des un quemon yo se que allá abundan pero aquí ya dicen gaydalajara en ves de guadalajara y otra sorpresa que a guadalajara la quieren hacer la capital gay a nivel mundial en vallarta puro sireno eso es lo molesto que ya les vale madre andan entangados por la playa como si nada de la mano de otro compá eso que no tienen ni poquito respeto ahora como ya todo se vale y la iglesia y el gobierno andan buena onda pues que legalizen los matrimonios polígamos cual es el problema si dos o tres mujeres me quieren y tengo para mantenerlas pues que me acepten así y que me casen con todas las de la ley apoco no.

And how are you going to explain to him that his mom is a man and that his dad from see when he is also a woman but he has a beard and talk hoarse compadre with all respect do not try to cover the sun with a finger that is all wrong and not It works like if you put some square tires on a car and you want to convince me that they are round but that these leap a little but they are the same I defend the family and in some matters that I have been touched to advise for a divorce first is the family Because it is the core of society the family is the key to a society of a state and a country working and how it will work well with such setbacks I insist on trying to soften the topic by telling them gay guys good vibes and worse Even giving them permission to get married and walk with their jotadas everywhere without ton and they are going to end badly send you some pictures of some of the environment guys who join the av. Chapultepec and others who come together in plaza walk to give you a quemon I know there abound but here they say gaydalajara in Guadalajara and another surprise that guadalajara wants to make the gay capital worldwide in Vallarta Pure Merman that It’s just how annoying you guys are going to be walking down the beach as if nothing of the hand of another dude that they have no little respect now as everything is worth and the church and the government are good vibes because we legalize polygamous marriages What is the problem if two or three women want me and I have to keep them so that they accept me like this and get married to all of the law no.

Guillermo Rodriguez: Compadre, vamos a tener que quedar en que no estamos de acuerdo. Excepto en lo que dices sobre la definición de matrimonio. Ahí si, yo hubiera preferido que el diálogo con la comunidad LGBTQ hubiera llevado a usar una palabra diferente para nombrar a las parejas homosexuales estables, exclusivas y basadas en el amor y respeto mutuo. Pero en lo demás, estamos en desacuerdo, y por si esto te preocupara, también la Iglesia esta en desacuerdo contigo. Te mando un abrazo a ti, a mi comadre y a los chavos.

Compadre, we’re gonna have to stay in that we don’t agree. Except for what you say about the definition of marriage. There, I would have preferred that the dialogue with the lgbtq community would have led to use a different word to name stable, exclusive gay couples and based on love and mutual respect. But otherwise, we disagree, and in case you worry, the church is at odds with you. I send a hug to you, my godmother and the kids.

Facebook post: Me queda claro y yo también estoy en total desacuerdo con la iglesia no me gusta para nada el juego que traen ahora y la falta de moral que están manejando un fuerte abrazo igualmente para todos y en especial para mi ahijada.

I’m clear and I’m also in total disagreement with the church I don’t like it at all the game they bring now and the lack of morals that are driving a big hug equally for everyone and especially for my goddaughter.

On June 26, 2015, the day of the Obergefell decision, which legalized same-sex marriage in the US, Rodriguez posted to Facebook a pro-gay marriage meme.

Thank you to Leila Miller for providing much of the above information.

Archbishop José Gomez
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
3424 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241

phone: (213) 637-7000
email: info@la-archdiocese.org

Deacons in Ministry, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Deacon Shane Cuda, Director
Telephone: 213 637-7734