The Father of a Priest Sex Abuse Victim is Excommunicated: My Conversation with Scott “Alex” Peyton
“For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of They wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Though shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Though shalt wash
“If you weep not now, when will you ever weep?”― Dante Alighieri, Inferno In 1993, I met a Mid-Western transplant who recently moved to the Castro from his conservative Bible-Belt small town. Resembling thousands of
“Wherever there is degeneration and apathy, there also is sexual perversion, cold depravity, miscarriage, premature old age, grumbling youth, there is a decline in the arts, indifference to science, and injustice in all its forms.”
“…in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” – Philippians 2:12 A good father should want his children to fear him – just a little bit. Otherwise, they would have almost
“Can we do anything else but trust in God? God calls us to do much, and we have not much time to do it.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose On the Feast of “The Entry of
On June 22, 2022, the “Young Adult Group” at the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Most Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Parish (MHR) will host a “Pride Month Parish-Wide Happy Hour” at The Mix Bar in the
“Father asks to have it passed on to all who have remained loyal to him and to those on whom they might have influence, that they not avenge him; he has forgiven and prays for
I felt sick. I was nauseous. My stomach hurt. I stood up, turned around, and headed for the exit. Outside in the hall, I looked around. I saw a sign and walked towards the restroom.
“Murder and arson, betrayal and terror.Mutilate your subjects, if you must.But with my last breath, I beg you……do not mutilate the arts.” ― Gaius Petronius, “Quo Vadis” (1951) The mass production of inexpensive religious devotional
“He who does not live in Christ…already lives in the Abyss, and not all the treasures of this world can ever fill his emptiness.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose, "Nihilism: The Root of Revolution of the
On March 21, 2021, Fr. Joe Nassal, C.PP.S., celebrated Mass at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church (MHR) in San Francisco. In a 2015 article from “The National Catholic Reporter,” MHR was described as “the ‘gayest’
Above: "Sick man at the walls of a Catholic monastery," by Fyodor Bronnikov (1874). “If a person can build a fence around himself, he is bound to do it.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn One day, I
“If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust; the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter,
“It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky In the year 2000, I went on a pilgrimage to France. One of my
Above: Edvard Munch, "Hospital Ward" (1897—1899). “Have I not suffered enough, that you seek to increase my misery?” – Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein” (1818) Over the years, I’ve spent countless hours in hospitals. At times, due
In honor of the Advent season, the Paulist Fathers offered LGBTQ “Advent Reflections” for the year 2020. Each reflection, was written by a member of the Paulist LGBTQ outreach ministry – Out at St. Paul
On October 27, November 18, and December 15, 2020, the Dominican Sisters of Peace are hosting ongoing Zoom sessions to educate Catholic priests on “how to better serve their trans parishioners.” More than 30 priests
Above: Massingale speaking at New Ways Ministry’s 8th National Symposium in 2017. On October 23, 2020, Fr. Bryan Massingale was interviewed by NPR about Pope Francis' statements concerning same-sex civil unions. When asked about the
When I was a child, at best, I would describe Catholicism as an occasionally pleasant distraction. After Mass on Sunday, my father usually took us to get donuts; at school, “religion class” was a welcome
Above: Marooned, Howard Pyle (1909) During Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, she innocently referred to those with a “sexual preference;” according to the Human Rights Campaign, the correct term is
At mid-life, with the possibility of another corrective surgery looming before me, I often get angry. During my early-30s, I spent a lot of time in recovery. I underwent a series of medical procedures meant
From October 9 – 10, 2020, at their Jesuit Retreat Center located in Parma, Ohio, (Diocese of Cleveland) the Society of Jesus will host an LGBTQ retreat called “Emmaus 2020: A Time for Healing: Ourselves
The P.E. teacher told everyone to form a line and face forward. Oh my god, I thought to myself. Not again. How these two alpha-preadolescent-boys were chosen to stand before me, I had no idea;
It seems to be a fact that you have to suffer as much from the Church as for it… ― Flannery O'Connor, "The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor" At mid-life, I have absolutely
I was sick; I was dying; I needed help. After a night of rough sex inside a San Francisco bondage club, I collapsed onto the cold pavement somewhere near the Castro District. I had nowhere