Blog Articles from the Sons of St. Joseph
Gays, Greeks, and Christianity: My Conversation with Fr. George Aquaro
The Gay War Against Arthur Goldberg
Social Media, Influencers, and the Complicity of the Silent
“Wherever there is degeneration and apathy, there also is sexual perversion, cold depravity, miscarriage, premature old age, grumbling youth, there is a decline in the arts, indifference to science, and injustice in all its forms.”
Orthodox Millennials: My Conversation with Jordan and Josh
Same-Sex Attraction and Childhood Sexual Abuse – The Evidence
In the 21st Century, LGBT activists and their allies have repeatedly claimed that gay people are born gay; and trans people are born in the wrong body. But there is no evidence to substantiate any
Gay: Nature, Nurture or Trauma?
Groomed by Gays: Abuse, Transgenderism, and the Homosexual Infiltration of CONservatism
The Battle Over LGBT Ideology: My Conversation with Brandon Showalter
In Fear of God; or Learning to Love the Lord in Orthodoxy
“…in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” – Philippians 2:12 A good father should want his children to fear him – just a little bit. Otherwise, they would have almost
The Gays vs. Russia: My Conversation with Jim Jatras
The Pornification of America: My Conversation with Julie Mastrine
The Rainbow Cult and Mental Health: My Conversation with Fr. Ben Johnson
From Protestant and Atheist to Orthodox: My Conversation with Buck Johnson
Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and the Cross: My Conversation with Fr. John Strickland
The TRUTH About Gays Against Groomers: My Conversation with Daren Mehl
Why Men are Drawn to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Michael Butler
From Gay Porn to God: My Conversation with Philipp Tanzer
What Happened to Christian Culture in the West? My Conversation with Raymond Vincent
Why I’m Orthodox: My Conversation with Fr. Alexis Baldwin
The LGBT War Against Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. John Whiteford
Trauma, Trust, and My Orthodox Baptism
“Can we do anything else but trust in God? God calls us to do much, and we have not much time to do it.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose On the Feast of “The Entry of
Orthodoxy vs. Papism: My Conversation with Fr. Mikhail Baleka
Selling Your Soul: My Conversation with Leah Darrow
Manhood and Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Johannes Jacobse
Fr. Seraphim Rose & Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Timothy Honeycutt
Masculinity, TV Westerns, and Brokeback Mountain
“When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching.” – Robert Bly From the early-1950s to the late-60s, there were over a hundred Western
Gay Marriage: Orthodoxy vs. Catholicism
Mark Houck’s “Forward” to My 2013 Book
In 2012, through my friend – the late Shelley Lubben – I met a courageous and selfless young man named Mark Houck. Back then, I was trying to write a short book about my experiences
The Married Orthodox Priesthood: My Conversation with Fr. Timothy Hojnicki
From Roman Catholicism to Russian Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Reader Paul Trinca
Selling Your Soul For NOTHING
“A dungeon horrible, on all sides round,As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flamesNo light; but rather darkness visible…” – John Milton, "Paradise Lost" There is an extraordinarily haunting and even somewhat terrifying scene
The Cardinal Cover-Up: My Conversation with Chris O’Leary
Nihilism, The Brothers Karamazov, and Fr. Seraphim Rose: My Conversation with Mark Hackard
Hallucinogenics, UFOs, and Fr. Seraphim Rose: My Conversation with David Patrick Harry
San Francisco Catholic Parish Hosts Pride Happy Hour at Gay Bar
On June 22, 2022, the “Young Adult Group” at the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Most Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Parish (MHR) will host a “Pride Month Parish-Wide Happy Hour” at The Mix Bar in the
The World, Technology, and the Devil: My Conversation with Fr. Deacon Ananias Sorem
Abuse and Anger – Hate and Hell
“Father asks to have it passed on to all who have remained loyal to him and to those on whom they might have influence, that they not avenge him; he has forgiven and prays for
Grooming in Catholic Seminaries: My Conversation with Gene Gomulka
The Latin Mass, the SSPX, and Abuse in the Church: My Conversation with Francis Palmquist
The Catholic Church, Sex Abuse, and the Hispanic Community
Pope Francis, the confessional as “torture chamber,” and “irregular situations.”
For this reason, a pastor cannot feel that it is enough simply to apply moral laws to those living in “irregular” situations, as if they were stones to throw at people’s lives. This would bespeak
Trouble Ahead: Ambiguity in AMORIS LÆTITIA with regards to the “gay” question.
When I returned to the Catholic Church in 1999, after an ineffectual childhood in the California parochial school system, and after a decade in the “gay” lifestyle, at best – what I found in the
St. Joseph the Worker as the Model of Healing for the Sons of St. Joseph
“St. Joseph takes us into his carpenter shop; and (as the sun glances through the open door) he teaches us not in words but in deeds that in the glorious drama of life in which
A Defense of “Pray the Gay Away.”
“Pray the gay away” is a slogan often heard in the “gay” rights movement used as a pejorative in order to mock any and all efforts by Christian churches or groups to deal with the
Surviving the AIDS Massacre and a Warning to Catholics Who Somehow Find Good in Gay
Prologue: When I got to San Francisco in 1988, I expected an endless funeral procession to be moving down Castro Street – there wasn’t. Instead, I saw hundreds of boys, just like me: rather wide-eyed,
My Conversion Through Orthodoxy
The icon I bought in 1992. “This world deceives even the wise with its appearance, for at times it appears desirable. It even offers benefits and treasures for loan, but in the day of death
Movie Recommendation: Ostrov
“Ostrov” (Russian: Остров, The Island) was a 2006 Russian biographical film about a fictional 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk; although the story bears a striking resemblance to the life of Orthodox mystic St. Theophilus (Feofil)
The Orthodox Fool for Christ: A Tradition Sadly Lacking in Roman Catholicism
In the Orthodox faith, especially in Russia, there is a long tradition of “fools for Christ;” these holy men and women, according to Orthodox sources: “…battling within himself the root of all sin, pride. In
Father’s Day Exposes a Family Tragedy in Gay Culture
(Above picture: From the below mentioned article.) In an ironic turn of truthfulness, that invariably reveals much about homosexuality and its root causes, a famous gay web-site heralded: “This Father’s Day there’s no shortage of
Best On-Screen Portrayals of Saint Joseph
After seeing the dismally bad Ignatius Press re-edit of “Mary of Nazareth,” in which we are inflicted with a St. Joseph who violently screams at the Virgin Mary, angrily rips down a house with his
One of the Shortest, But Greatest Prayers I Have Ever Seen…
St. John of the Cross once wrote, to one of his many correspondents, who were constantly asking him for spiritual advice: “God deliver from ourselves.” Truer words were never put down on paper by a
Naked Before Christ
“And they were both naked: to wit, Adam and his wife: and were not ashamed.” (Genesis 2:25) “Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and
Top 7 Powerful Saints That LGBT Catholic Ministries Have Tried to Corrupt
Saints Sergius and Bacchus: - The Lie - their inclusion in John Boswell's book “Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe" have made them symbols of gay marriage in the homosexual community; some groups have even proclaimed them
Embracing the Cross is the Only Route to Salvation
"Christ on the Cross," (above) Pietro da Cortona: 1661 and "St. Francis of Assisi embracing the crucified Christ," (left) Bartolome Murillo: 1668-69. “Our Lord proclaimed through St. Matthew: ‘My yoke is sweet and my burden
Modern Religious Artist Who Is Both Traditional and Innovative
It’s always been my contention that all truly great artists: learn from the past, study it, absorb it, and then move on. A new favorite is Silvio Consadori (1909–1994). This Italian painter encapsulates the best
St. Aloysius Gonzaga: A Saint for the Promiscuous and the Unchaste
A wonderful old book about the battle for chastity in an increasingly unchaste world is the timeless “The Difficult Commandment” (1925) by C.C. Martindale, S.J. This section is one of my favorites: “Catholics have, besides
More of My Favorite Heavenly Heroes
11. Saint Charles Lwanga: Burned alive in Africa for defending the Faith and the holiness of purity. A great intercessor for those with same-sex attraction. 12. Saint Padre Pio: Usually regarded as rather stern, but
Top 10 Holy Helpers
Here are my Top 10 favorite Saints (besides Our Lady; who is in a category all her own,) and why I love them: 1. Saint Joseph: He literally saved me; the male part of my
“There is nothing so strong as gentleness and there is nothing so gentle as real strength.”
When I read this quote, the first person I think of is my dear protector Saint Joseph: "There is nothing so strong as gentleness and there is nothing so gentle as real strength." ~ Saint
The Use of Holy Water in Times of Sexual Temptation
Today is the feast day of Saint Theresa of Avila. I was rereading a few of her works when I came across something very interesting that she wrote: “I often experience that there is nothing
The Most Simple and Powerful Prayer for Sinners
One of the dearest people in the world to me, a Catholic priest who literally helped save my life, came up with this prayer at a recent spiritual conference: “Oh God, I give you myself
Former Satanic Possessed Priest on Way to Sainthood
The Catholic Church, after over 2,000 years, continues to astound. Just yesterday, while attending a parish mission given by the extraordinary Fr. Christopher Crotty, I learned that an ex-satanic priest is on his way to
Devotion to Saint Joseph: Guardian of Christ and First Teacher to the Savior
I am often asked: “Why the devotion to St. Joseph?” Without going into a lengthy explanation, which I do in my book, I usually say that everyone, especially males, young or old, should have a
Fighting Filth and Corruption: Saint Francis of Assisi as Porn-Warrior
There are certain Saints in the Catholic Church who have been so thoroughly misconstrued, maligned, and mockingly absorbed into pop-culture, that the real person beyond the myth and misinformation is often difficult to excavate. One
The Virgin Mary Assists Those Who Struggle With Sexual Sins and Addictions
Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a powerful advocate in heaven: His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Catholic Church, we honor the Mother of God who is the highest of all mortal
Saint John Bosco on Porn and the Devil
The following quotation is from Saint John Bosco (1815-1888,) a Catholic priest who worked with wayward boys and juvenile delinquents in the industrial Northern Italian city of Turin. Although, his life ended near the beginning
The 5 Best Portrayals of Jesus on Film
1. James Caviezel in "The Passion of the Christ" Although he was backed up with an incredible director and script, this could have gone so wrong. But Caviezel gives a restrained performance that is nevertheless
Gay Porn Star Dies of AIDS
Rick Karp (aka Cole Tucker) 1953-2015 RIP
Relax: The Use of Pop-Music in Gay Recruitment
In the history of popular music, there are several songs which have become gay anthems; usually in the disco or dance genre; this does not include the numerous ballads such as “Over the Rainbow”
Second Gay Porn Suicide of 2015
Rylan Knox (19?? - 2015) RIP
Mommy Dearest: The Odd Behavior of Bruce Jenner’s Mother that Explains it All
The source of every homosexual inclination or gender dysphoria can be traced to the adolescence of the sufferer - usually in the father or mother. With regards to Olympian Bruce Jenner, his father seems to
First Gay Porn Suicide of 2015
“Clay” 1996-2015 RIP From an obituary provided by his family: “In remembering [Clay’s] life, we ask that you remember his happy times and his truly good heart. No one can judge the depth of a
The He/She Generation: The Return of 1970s Me-ism in the Horror of Gender Confusion
In 1984, Culture Club’s Boy George was interviewed by then pop-culture bible “People Magazine;” in which the author never once referred to the full-drag singer as she: “…in an era when sexual ambiguity sells, few
First Gay Porn Death of 2015
Dirk Shafer 1962-2015 RIP
Express Yourself: How a Music Video Shaped the Destinies of Gay Men
...scenes from the music video "Express Yourself." Returning to the gay community after 10 years, the dust and debris stirred up and left behind from my generation has settled or been collected in the refuse
Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana – Tragic Gay Icons
Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, and Princess Diana are arguably the three most famous and celebrated women of the 20th Century; they are also three of the greatest of the gay icons; for, gay men have
Lost Boys: Why the Gay World Leaves Everyone Unsatisfied
Seminal moments in our lives often come at the most inexplicable times, and in situations that seem otherwise fleeting and meaningless. One such incident took place during a rather sadly routine visit to a well-known
Gay in the 1980s: Growing Up Under the Shadow of AIDS and How Generation X Condemned the Future to Death
Growing up in the 1980s, as a boy thinking that you are gay, was often a day to day struggle with a vision of homosexuality that went from humorous and carefree, a flourishing in the
The Conflicted and Sad Gay World of Keith Haring
I recently attended the Keith Haring respective show in San Francisco. Besides the tragedy of his death at age 31 from AIDS, the entire exhibition was overlaid with an unavoidable air of sadness. Although his
Marianne Williamson: A Harbinger of Hell in the Gay 90s
“All things are delivered to me by my Father. And no one knoweth the Son, but the Father: neither doth any one know the Father, but the Son, and he to whom it shall please
The Gay Porn Stars Who Died in 2014
Evan James (20) Seduction (27) Leo Cooper (29) Chris Miklos (40) Cameron Fox (36) Ryan Morrison (20) Quentin Elias (39)
20 Years Ago Today: Remembering Joey Stefano
Nicholas Iacona (aka Joey Stefano) 1/1/68 - 11/26/94 May you rest in peace.
The Satanic Porn Connection: The Pact Made in Hell
“The depraved imagination is the house furnished by the devil, which he makes a place for imprinting things so that everything these people do comes out of the mold of the devil’s work.” ~ Francisco
Famous Gay Porn Star Recalls “Traumatic” Childhood Experience
Current gay porn it-boy Colby Keller recently revealed a traumatic experience from his childhood during an interview. When questioned about his interests in school, he said: “No sports. I hated PE, actually. It was a
7 Steps to Freedom from Porn
“And he cried out, saying: Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. And they that went before, rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried out much more: Son of David,
Neil Patrick Harris Pens Tragic Story of Sexually Confused Boy
Neil Patrick Harris, like many gay celebrities before him, (see earlier blog post about Alan Cumming) has revealed a lot about his life in a new autobiography, that, strangely enough, does much to bolster the
Why Is There So Much Porn in Gay Culture?
(Above: One of the many porn-plastered store fronts in the Castro.) Everything nowadays seems to be saturated in a new form of porn-chic: from Abercrombie and Fitch advertisements to Kim Kardashian and a daily slew
How the Famous Sell Their Soul to Satan
The then relatively unknown model Emily Ratajkowski, got worldwide attention when she appeared topless in the tasteless video for the equally crass song “Blurred Lines” by Robin Thicke. Before that pivotal moment, Ratajkowski had been
Marilyn Monroe on the Myth of Porn
Marilyn Monroe once said: “I’m a failure as a woman. My men expect so much of me, because of the image they’ve made of me—and that I’ve made of myself—as a sex symbol. They expect
Movie Review: The Time Machine (or the Triumph of Masculinity in a Neutered World)
Ever since I was a little boy, one of my favorite films has been “The Time Machine” (1960.) The movie was really the last great adventure picture before the advent of the over-sexed spy films,
Madonna Revisited: The Female Sebastian Flyte
Since her rise to superstardom, in the early-1980s, the center of Madonna’s creative output has been her continuing and seemingly endless struggle to escape her Catholic upbringing. From “Burning Up,” reaching an apogee with “Like
The Child Stars of Disney: A Tale of Perversity, Tragedy, and Death
I first became interested in the fate of Disney child stars when I unintentionally discovered that Bobby Driscoll, the first bonafide live Disney star, who was featured in “Song of the South” and “Treasure Island,”
Childhood Trauma, Homosexuality, and the Reworking of Society in Disney Animated Films From Snow White to The Lion King
Looking back upon my childhood, some of the most cherished memories often revolved around jumping into my parent’s station-wagon and heading to the drive-in to see the rereleased Disney animated “classic” films. Yet, also, one
The Main-Stream as Porn: The Reshifting Classifications of Soft and Hard-Core from Hayley Mills to Rihanna
Recently, international sensation Rihanna posted home-made pornographic images of herself on Instagram. Never shy about going topless, or bottomless for that matter, Rihanna has successfully redefined what is main-stream pop-culture and what is porn. The
The Death Toll: The Gay Porn Stars Who Died in 2013
Scott Sewperman (heart failure) Raphael (?) Bobby Williams (auto accident) Alex Stone (AIDS) David Thompson (liver failure) Koh Masaki (surgery complications) Boris Mateho (accidental shooting) Arpad Miklos (suicide) Wilfried Knight (suicide) Karim (heart failure) All
Disco: The Gay Pursuit of the Celestial
Ever since I walked into my first San Francisco “gay” piano bar and heard an impromptu chorus of men singing Wayne Newton’s “Daddy Don’t You Walk So Fast,” I have been fascinated by songs which
Remembering the Classic Film “Rebecca”
With the recent death of actress Joan Fontaine, I am reminded of a favorite film: Rebecca (1940.) The movie is remarkable, aside from the extraordinary performances from the three main leads: Laurence Olivier, Fontaine, and
Go West, Young Man; And Die! The Continuing Horror of AIDS
FIGURE 1. Estimated percentage of persons diagnosed with HIV with infection attributed to male-to-male contact or male-to-male contact and injection drug use, by area of residence — National HIV Surveillance System, United States, 2011. In
The Use of Holy Water in Times of Sexual Temptation
Today is the feast day of Saint Theresa of Avila. I was rereading a few of her works when I came across something very interesting that she wrote: “I often experience that there is nothing
Madame Bovary as the World’s First Female Porn-Addict
Jennifer Jones does the first modern "selfie" in "Madame Bovary." One of my favorite books, and films, of all time is ‘Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert and the 1949 film version starring Jennifer Jones. At
Fighting Filth and Corruption: Saint Francis of Assisi as Porn-Warrior
There are certain Saints in the Catholic Church who have been so thoroughly misconstrued, maligned, and mockingly absorbed into pop-culture, that the real person beyond the myth and misinformation is often difficult to excavate. One
Saint John Bosco on Porn and the Devil
The following quotation is from Saint John Bosco (1815-1888,) a Catholic priest who worked with wayward boys and juvenile delinquents in the industrial Northern Italian city of Turin. Although, his life ended near the beginning
Which is Worse: Drug or Porn Addiction?
On this question, I am admittedly biased. I have never had a drug or alcohol addiction, although I did occasionally try different illegal substances when I was in my 20s; but it was always to
Oklahoma! The 1950s Hollywood Musical That’s All About Porn
I loved 1950s Hollywood musicals as a kid: “Calamity Jane,” “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” “Singin’ in the Rain.” When I grew-up, I learned that this proclivity was not unusual among boys who later entered
Who Prays for Us? The Gay Male Porn Stars Who Died in 2012
Damon Audigier 1991-2012 Suicide Adam Faust 1974-2012 Heart attack Tanner Hayes 1972-2012 Lymphoma Nathan Price 1978-2012 Cause of death: ? Roman Ragazzi 1974-2012 Suicide Sergio Real 1970-2012 Liver cancer Erik Rhodes 1982-2012 Heart attack Sean
Hitchcock’s Vertigo: The First Post-Porn Film
On my way back to Napa, from a Marian Conference, October 20, 2012, I stopped at Mission San Juan Bautista. I have always loved this Mission for its somewhat remote location, and the original rustic
Mike Rowe: The Return to American Masculinity
Thomas Hart Benton Lewis Hine Grant Wood Mike Rowe, the guy from the television show Dirty Jobs, wrote a letter to Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, in which he rather eloquently shared his views on the
Gay Jesuit Celebrates “Welcome Mass” at AD of SF Catholic High-School
Jesuit priest Donal Godfrey, during his August 23, 2020 homily at St. Agnes Catholic Church in San Francisco, stated that he celebrated mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School (SHC) on the previous Friday -
Homosexuality Tolerated in the English Dominicans Since the 1920s
In a recent essay, “Brought to Life by Christ,” primarily about his struggles with homosexuality as a Dominican priest, James Alison wrote: All this time I was still wrestling with being gay. Not that this
The Triumph of Sodom: Returning to a Catholic Church That is Gayer Than Gay
“…we wish to make it clear that departure from the Church's teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral. Only what is true can ultimately be
American Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Catholic Bishops Who Covered-Up Child Sex Abuse
The following Catholic archdioceses in the United States received funds from the Department of Treasury’s PPP program intended for struggling businesses that were hit especially hard during the COVID-19 crisis; the scandal-plagued Archdioceses of New
Paulist Priest: “Christ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer.”
On June 28, 2020, Paulist priest Rick Walsh offered “a reflection” entitled “We All Belong to Each Other” at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in New York city; the parish is the motherhouse of
Archdiocese of San Francisco Promotes “Pride,” Leather, and Di*k Cookies
On the official Twitter account of “Catholic Charities” in San Francisco, several tweets were posted that commemorate the “Pride” month of June; including a tribute to the late LGBT-rights advocate Harvey Milk, a guide on
A Time of Crisis, a Lack of Leadership, and the Fall of the Post-Conciliar Church
“Those who go beneath the surface, do so at their peril.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray We are entering into a time of crisis that has little to do with the virulence
The Catholic Church Offers “Queer” Stations of the Cross
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lock-down, which caused the nationwide closing of churches and the cancellation of the Holy Mass, two separate Roman Catholic parishes, on different sides of the
Joe Biden, James Martin, and The Human Rights Campaign
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is the largest LGBT advocacy group in the US. Founded in 1980 by Steve Endean; a self-described "Midwestern Catholic boy” who once considered the priesthood, Endean found some initial support
The Priests I Admire the Most – Are Probably Not Those You Would Expect
Above: "Blessing in the Village" by Hans Bachmann, late-19th century. “No one is ever holy without suffering.” ― Evelyn Waugh, “Brideshead Revisited” I have been around the world of traditional (trad) Catholicism for over 20
Cardinal Pell: A Catholic Hero?
Pictured above: In 1993, then Auxiliary Bishop George Pell accompanied predator priest Gerald Ridsdale to his court appearance – where Ridsdale was charged with 30 incidents of incident assault involving nine boys aged between 12
COVID-19, the Black Plague, and the Fall of the American Catholic Hierarchy
Above: "Study for a Head," by Francis Bacon, 1952. “When I was in sin, the sight of lepers nauseated me beyond measure; but then God himself led me into their company, and I had pity
NYC Jesuit Parish to Host Fundraiser for Pro-LGBT Youth Group
Above: From the St. Ignatius Parish published e-book, "Our Stories: Being LGBT and Catholic." On March 11, 2020, St. Ignatius Catholic Church in New York City will host a benefit concert for The Ali Forney
AD of LA Recommends the Orans Position and Communion in the Hand in Response to the Coronavirus
Above: From one of the many featured "Liturgies" offered at the 2020 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. On February 27, 2020, the Office of Worship in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the largest archdiocese in
AD of NY LGBT Ministry: “GBTQ relationships embody love and witness God’s presence in our world today.”
Above: Dave Dwyer of the Paulist Fathers hosts Cardinal Timothy Dolan's radio show: "Conversation with Cardinal Dolan." On Ash Wednesday 2020, the LGBT ministry of Out at St. Paul announced that they will post a
Catholic Mark Wahlberg Supports Same-Sex Marriage
In 2013, actor Mark Wahlberg was profiled in a lengthy article from "The Hollywood Reporter" in which he discussed his career and his religious beliefs; concerning Catholicism and same-sex marriage, Wahlberg came-out in support of
Jesuit Gonzaga U. Opens America’s First Catholic LGBTQ+ Rights Center
On February 14, 2020, Gonzaga University opened its new Lincoln LGBTQ+ Rights Clinic on their Spokane, WA, campus. According Jacob Rooksby, dean at Gonzaga’s School of Law: “Gonzaga Law School is one of only a
The Global Catholic Effort to Indoctrinate Children into the LGBT Identity
At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School in the Archdiocese of Liverpool, the school’s “inclusive curriculum” includes reading several pro-LGBT children’s literature books. Here are a few of the titles and a short description of each:
Gay Priest Who Painted “Sodomite Christ” to Exhibit Artwork at 2020 LA REC
[Warning: Graphic links.] From February 21-23, 2020, during the annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (LA REC), the artwork of gay iconographer William Hart McNichols will be displayed in the “Arena Lobby” at the Anaheim
Archdiocese of Atlanta Hosts Pro-Gay Marriage Theologian for Catholic LGBT Retreat
On March 1, 2020, a Catholic LGBT advocacy group in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Fortunate and Faithful Families, will offer a “retreat” entitled – "A New Heart." According to Fortunate and Faithful Families: Fortunate and
Dissident Pro-Gay Marriage Ministry to Offer LGBT Retreat in the Diocese of San Diego
Pictured above: An "Episcopal Advisor" to Fortunate Families is Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. On April 25 – 26, 2020, the Catholic parishes of St. Thomas More and St. Francis of Assisi, both in the Diocese of
Why the Catholic Church is Deliberately Creating a New Generation of Victims
In 2012, when I was in the process of writing my first book, I stated that I had never been molested or sexually abused as a child. That wasn’t true, but it also wasn’t a
Diocese of Oakland Priest: Church’s stance on “LGBTQ issues, the role of women in the Church and the ordination of women deacons…fragile and reversible.”
Above: Current Bishop (Since 2013) of the Diocese of Oakland - Michael C. Barber, SJ. In a “Letter” posted on the January 2, 2020 issue of the online edition of “The Catholic Voice,” the official
Lies and Perversion – In & Out of the Roman Catholic Church
(Pictured above: Which is more perverse? – I’d much rather hang out with two guys wearing black rubber body suits than step inside that church.) Over the past thirty-something years, I have attended the Gay
James Martin to Receive LGBT Award at Notre Dame
On March 30, 2019, Catholic priest James Martin will receive the Thomas A. Dooley Award from the Gay and Lesbian Alumni of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College (GALA-ND/SMC). The GALA-ND/SMC is
Pro-Gay Franciscan Will Celebrate Prominent Liturgy at 2019 LA REC
Of the roughly one dozen “Liturgies” that will be celebrated at the 2019 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (LA REC), the presiders at these themed masses include Archbishop Jose Gomez and Bishop Kevin Van. In
The Rise of the Catholic Layman, Husband, and Father in 2018
(Norman Rockwell, "Blacksmith's Boy." 1940) In her examination of feminist theory concerning the upbringing and education of young men, especially those espoused by Carol Gilligan, Christina Hoff Summers challenged their assertion that men are civilized
Drag Shows, Twerking, and Transgender Student Housing at the Jesuit’s Seattle U.
According to Seattle University’s “Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Non Binary Inclusive Housing Policy,” eligibility for student housing is determined not by biological sex but gender identity. In addition, students have the opportunity to: “Correct their
The Ugly Truth About the Diocese of Lexington and Fortunate Families
(Above: Bishop John Stowe of Lexington speaking before the annual New Ways Ministry National Symposium in 2017; Sister Jeannine Gramick is also pictured.) In a December 21, 2018 post to their official Facebook page, the
Roger Mahony to Speak at 2019 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
(Above: Roger Mahony addressing the USCCB on November 13, 2018.) Despite a 2013 statement from Archbishop Jose Gomez, the current head of the largest archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, Cardinal
Gay Apologist Thomas Reese to Address 2019 LA REC on Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis
(Above: Thomas Reese and Thomas Rosica, the English language media attaché of the Holy See Press Office.) On March 22, 2019, Jesuit priest Thomas Reese will speak at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (LA
James Martin’s Favorite Catholic LGBT Ministry Reading Book About Two Abused Boys Who Begin Homosexual Relationship
At the Out at St. Paul Book Club, the topic of discussion will be Jamie O'Neill's novel "At Swim, Two Boys." O’Neill is a gay Irish author who was raised a Roman Catholic. Leaving home
James Martin says there is “not currently” a Catholic ritual that recognizes same-sex relationships
On October 20, 2018, Jesuit priest James Martin spoke about “showing respect and welcome to LGBT people and their families” at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Decatur, Georgia. Almost from the very beginning Martin
With Chaos and Confusion in the Catholic Church, the Gay Male Community Offers Discipline and Dogma
Be careful around those who are rigid. Be careful around Christians – be they laity, priests, bishops – who present themselves as so “perfect,” rigid. Be careful. There’s no Spirit of God there. – Pope
2019 LA Religious Education Congress Will Again Feature James Martin and LGBT Activists
From March 21-24, 2019, the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (LA REC) at the Anaheim Convention Center will feature several well-known Catholic LGBT activists and dissenters. They include: Jesuit priest James Martin, Fordham University Professor
The Easy and Ugly Labeling of Abuse Victims at the Vatican’s Synod on Young People
In the midst of a worldwide sex abuse scandal, at the 2018 “Vatican Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment” there is an effort by some within the Catholic Church to include for
Notre Dame Serves Up “Bi Breakfast” For LGBTQ History Month
During the month of October, NDPrism, the officially recognized LGBT outreach at University of Notre Dame, will sponsor several events commemorating LGBTQ History Month; in the United States, LGBTQ History Month is celebrated in October
Joan Chittister, the Gay Theologian, and a Lesbian Poet: A Day in the Life of Catholic NYC
In the September 23, 2018 “Church Bulletin” from St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church (pictured above) in New York City, Pastor Daniel Corrou, S.J., addressed the recent “removal” of the former pastor Bob VerEecke due to an
Religious Order That Supports Dissident LGBT Ministries Has Ties to Cardinal McCarrick
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (pictured above in a Franciscan habit with Provincial Minister John O'Connor of the Holy Name Province) after he was made an Affiliate of the Province in 2006; also, McCarrick celebrated
Fordham: The Jesuit’s Gayest University
On September, 5, 2018 Dr. Patrick Hornbeck, Chair of Fordham Theology and Fr. Bryan Massingale, the James and Nancy Buckman Chair in Applied Christian Ethics, released a statement concerning the current sex abuse crisis in
The continuing reality of untreated mental illness in the gay community
For the first time in its long history, the 2013 and 2014 National Health Interview Survey included a question on sexual orientation, providing health information on sexual minorities from one of the nation’s leading health
New York City and the New Gay Wasteland
A new study of “gay” men who recently relocated to New York City, from both outside the country and within the US, revealed that: “Participants described encountering an abundance of sexual opportunity in New York
Gays More Suicidal…and so are gay married couples
According to a study in Sweden: “The risk of suicide was higher among same-sex married individuals as compared to different-sex married individuals…Among same-sex married men the suicide risk was nearly three-fold greater as compared to
Gay Marriage and Transgenderism – A Sign of Civilization’s Decline and Fall
St. Alexius of Rome lived from about 410-460 AD; this period was at the heart of cultural, social, and political collapse in the already waning Roman Empire; during this period, as a whole, Rome was
The “gay” church within the Church: LA Archdiocese parish promotes a radical pro-gay agenda
(Pictured above: Comunidad's Marie Cartier at the Hollywood Cemetery.) In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, at St. Matthew’s Catholic Parish in Long Beach, is headquartered an outreach to lesbian and gay Catholics, called Comunidad. A
More celebrities come-out as “gay” – more stories about dad and dysfunctional childhoods
Recently, the actor, model, and teen-idol Colton Haynes, most famous for appearing in the hit TV shows “Teen Wolf” and “Arrow,” came-out as “gay.” Born in Kansas in 1988, Haynes and his family relocated to
What those leaving “gay” – really need from the Church
“And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more.” (John 8:11) “Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within
Gay Marriage Causes AIDS
For years, since the beginning of the AIDS crisis, diverse voices have been calling for a radical remaking of “gay” male culture away from the swinging sex of the 1970s into a more domesticated phase
The End of the Rainbow: When sex, porn, and “gay” become increasingly pointless and shallow…
As with all sorts of obsessive compulsions and addictions, there is a constant descent into a numbing world of pervasive boredom and dissatisfaction. Saint John of the Cross understood this phenomenon as stemming from a
Catholic University of San Diego ignores the truth and celebrates all things transgender
The LGBTQ community at the Catholic University of San Diego will sponsor “PRIDE’s Celebration of Gender Expression: Supreme Drag Superstar V” on April 14, 2016. The “drag show” is described by the organizers as an:
Lesbian, “gay,” bisexual Canadians report higher rates of mental health illness.
A recent Canadian study published in the “American Journal of Public Health” come from more than 220,000 Canadians who participated in the Canadian Community Health Survey between 2007 and 2012. The study found that gay
The Accepted Centrality of the Father-Son Conflict in Star Wars and Star Trek; and, its negation in male homosexuality.
“For years, psychology and psychiatry have bandied around theories that homosexuality is caused by parental personality types -- the dominant female, the weak male -- or by the absence of same-gender role models. Those theories
Controversial Quotes from Randy Shilts
“The trouble was that, by definition, you had a gay male subculture in which there was nothing to moderate the utterly male values that were being adulated more religiously than any macho heterosexual could imagine...Promiscuity
7 Scary Facts About “gay”- that no one ever told you…
The HIV disease burden, relative to the size of the “gay” male population, is of tremendous magnitude. “Compared to other men and women, for the two HIV disease metrics, MSM rates were 38 to 75
The father-son dynamic, “gay” porn, and the dark wounded heart of male homosexuality…
“I love dad/son role play and working with a great therapist came to be able to listen to my own internal compass and dismiss outside judgment. I am most comfortable with younger men. There is
Same-sex marriage as a sign that all things “gay” have failed…
“Gay-rights activism in the 1970s focused more on personal liberation and visibility than on gaining access to institutions such as marriage. While some gay activists fought for the right to marry in the early 1970s,
Homosexuality as the universal untreated mental illness…
(Pictured above: self-portraits by "gay" child abuse survivor Francis Bacon.) In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The American Psychological Association Council of Representatives did the same in 1975. Thereafter other
“Couples that play together stay together:” My moments of “monogamy” as a gay man and the impossibility of a world without women.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, my first real “gay” relationship was also my first foray into homosexual “monogamy.” Then, I wasn’t consciously looking for anything long term, but because I was a so lonely,
HIV Diagnoses Drop Among Every Segment of the Population – EXCEPT “gay” males…
According to the CDC, across the full decade examined (2005-2014), the annual number of HIV diagnoses in the United States declined by 19%. This decrease was most marked by steep declines among heterosexuals (35%) and
Only 14% of gay men are “monogamous.”
“…the assumption that monogamy is the foundation to a successful relationship is far from universal among gay and bisexual men, and may in fact be a minority opinion.” A large survey of 4215 gay and
The Tragic and Twisted Characters Who Made “Gay” Normal…and one was a Catholic priest!
(Pictured - Left to Right: Fathers Dan McCarthy, Bernárd Lynch, John J. McNeill, and Robert Carter marching with Dignity/New York in an early 1980s “Gay” Pride Parade.) In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association made the
5 “gay” male celebrities – 5 stories of heartache and loss…
The common denominator among all “gay” men is a childhood usually filled with some sort of alienation, inadequacy, pain, neglect, and or abuse. A number of them have experienced all of these emotions, others just
Last exit to “gay” – How to get out of homosexuality
In 1999, I took my last drive out of San Francisco as a “gay” man. After a particularly hard night of sex and partying, I was vomiting up blood and thought I was near death.
New Pope Francis appointee “respects” gay sex…
Pope Francis has replaced Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard with liberal Jozef De Kesel for the archdiocese of Brussels, Belgium. During a news conference announcing his appointment, when asked about homosexuals, he answered, “I have much respect
Elton John and the wounded boy origin of homosexuality…
Elton John recently had this to say about the very troubled relationship with his now deceased father: “He never told me he loved me, he didn’t hold me, and he didn’t come to see me
Family Lies: Why some parents would rather embrace “gay” than face the truth…
The Catholic mother of a “gay” son, after finding out about his homosexuality, said: “I felt a great sigh of relief since I had imagined many worse things like: drugs, terrible sickness, trouble with police,
Three “gay” insiders reveal the truth about homosexuality…
Porn director Mr. Pam had this to say about the men she works with in the gay pornography industry: “A lot of the guys had a sh***y childhood, or were dealt a bad deck of
Within 30 years: over 50% of gay men will be HIV+
“…within a cohort of young men now 20 years of age, the total burden of HIV disease would be estimated to be 25.4% by the time that they reach the age of 30, 41.4% at
“It’s an improvement…” Why Cardinal Schönborn is Dead Wrong!
In a recent interview with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, he had this to say about a homosexual friend who recently entered into a so-called “stable” gay relationship: “It’s an improvement,” he said. They share
In One Year – 50% of Gay Men Contracted a Sexually Transmitted Disease
“For 32 months, researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco tracked the health of over 600 people as they used Truvada daily to prevent the virus in a real-world setting. The average
7 Facts About the Gay Lifestyle They Don’t Want You to Know
“Over half (51.4%) reported an experience of sexual abuse.”1. “Compared with heterosexual respondents, gay/lesbian and bisexual individuals experienced increased odds of six of eight and seven of eight adverse childhood experiences, respectively [e.g., physical, sexual
Band-Aids on Bullet Wounds: Where Faith Based Approaches to Homosexuality Have Failed
When the Lord first Saved me from the sad and lonely world of homosexuality – I quickly realized that my problems, past, present and future, would go way beyond just the struggle for any enduring
Pain Killers: Why Gay Men Are Bent on Self-Destruction; and How Healing is Always Possible
The photos above – I took at the recent 2015 Dore Alley Street Fair in San Francisco. Along with Gay Pride in June, the Folsom Street Fair in September, and the Castro Street Fair in
Why Catholics Should Never Attend a Gay Wedding
“In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. One must refrain from any kind
Surviving the AIDS Massacre and a Warning to Catholics Who Somehow Find Good in Gay
Prologue: When I got to San Francisco in 1988, I expected an endless funeral procession to be moving down Castro Street – there wasn’t. Instead, I saw hundreds of boys, just like me: rather wide-eyed,
The Case for Gay Intervention
The best show on TV right now is A&E’s “Intervention.” It is thoroughly compelling and incredibly difficult to watch. Dealing primarily with alcohol and drug addiction, the hour long program features one or several addicts,
“They Are All Looking for a Father;” and more musing from the 2015 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade
This year’s San Francisco Gay Pride Parade was billed as “historic” because just two days before, the Supreme Court issued its ruling which legalized same-sex marriage throughout the US. Yet, despite the apparent reasons to
The TRUTH About Gays Against Groomers: My Conversation with Daren Mehl
Why Men are Drawn to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Michael Butler
From Gay Porn to God: My Conversation with Philipp Tanzer
What Happened to Christian Culture in the West? My Conversation with Raymond Vincent
Why I’m Orthodox: My Conversation with Fr. Alexis Baldwin
Orthodoxy vs. Papism: My Conversation with Fr. Mikhail Baleka
Selling Your Soul: My Conversation with Leah Darrow
Manhood and Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Johannes Jacobse
Fr. Seraphim Rose & Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Timothy Honeycutt
Gay Marriage: Orthodoxy vs. Catholicism
The Married Orthodox Priesthood: My Conversation with Fr. Timothy Hojnicki
From Roman Catholicism to Russian Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Reader Paul Trinca
The Cardinal Cover-Up: My Conversation with Chris O’Leary
Nihilism, The Brothers Karamazov, and Fr. Seraphim Rose: My Conversation with Mark Hackard
Hallucinogenics, UFOs, and Fr. Seraphim Rose: My Conversation with David Patrick Harry
The World, Technology, and the Devil: My Conversation with Fr. Deacon Ananias Sorem
Grooming in Catholic Seminaries: My Conversation with Gene Gomulka
The Latin Mass, the SSPX, and Abuse in the Church: My Conversation with Francis Palmquist
The Catholic Church, Sex Abuse, and the Hispanic Community
The Broken Catholic Church: My Conversation with Kale Zelden
Cardinal Pell: A Catholic Hero?
Robert Gagnon Answers James Martin
From the Occult to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Turbo Qualls
Saving Sacred Art: My Conversation with Anthony Visco
Louisiana’s Most Prolific Pedophile & the Catholic Church: My Conversation w/Survivor John Anderson
The Rosary – From an Orthodox Perspective
A Survivor’s Story: My Conversation with Richard Windmann
My Conversation with Bethel McGrew
Fr. Seraphim Rose: My Conversation with His Niece – Cathy Scott
Tattoos From a Christian Perspective: A Conversation with Shayne Swenson
Finding Humor in an Age of Darkness: My Conversation with John Zmirak
Mad as Hell: My Conversation About Anger with Steve Skojec
The Filioque: My Conversation with Fr. Photius Avant
My Conversation with Abbot Tryphon of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)
My Conversation with Fr. James Guirguis of the Antiochian Orthodox Church
Orthodox Iconography – Theory and Practice: A Conversation with Shayne Swenson
The Catholic Family at a Time of Crisis in the Church: A Conversation with Paul and Kristen Ciaccia
My Conversation with Former SSPX Priest, Francis Palmquist (I Am Judas Project)
“…the scandal is history.” Is the Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis Over? A Discussion with Elizabeth Yore
The Crisis in Masculinity: A Discussion with Eric Sammons