Blog Articles from the Sons of St. Joseph
The Ugly Truth About Christopher Rufo, The Manhattan Institute, and the Normalization of Homosexuality
[Warning: Some of the links in this article contain disturbing material.] I first became aware of Christopher Rufo when scrolling through the responses to Dave Rubin’s announcement on X concerning the imminent birth of two
The Tragic Story of Elon Musk and His Transgender Son
Recently, I read a series of incredibly poignant and heartbreaking posts on the social media site “Threads” which were written by Vivian Jenna Wilson. Dated July 25, 2024, much of what Vivian described was very
Seeking Salvation in Perversity; or looking for God in a Godless world
“Behold, I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right
The Fruits of a Fatherless Society: My Conversation with Fr. Photius Avant
The Father of a Priest Sex Abuse Victim is Excommunicated: My Conversation with Scott “Alex” Peyton
While Supporting Gay Surrogacy, Jordan Peterson Makes the Case for Transgenderism
I first became an admirer of Jordan Peterson way back in 2016. When he was a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Peterson pushed back against a Canadian law compelling speech in terms
Do The Village People Have Blood on Their Hands?
I was born in 1969. The year of Woodstock, the vicious Charles Manson murders, and the Stonewall Riots. My early cohort of Generation X were amongst the first Americans to grow-up entirely in a world
Orthodox Psychotherapy: My Conversation with Fr. Mikhail Baleka
Catholics and Their Fake Graph: How the Laity Continues to Enable Abuse in the Church
Prayer to St. Joseph the Betrothed
O Holy, Righteous Joseph! While still living on earth, thou had great boldness before the Son of God, Who was pleased to call thee His father, as thou was betrothed to His Mother, and to
The Catholic Church Wants to Memory Hole the Abuse Crisis: My Conversation with Kelly Cresswell
Forced Celibacy and Gay Sex Cults in Catholic Seminaries: My Conversation with Gene Gomulka
In Search of Grand Duke Michael and Czar Nicholas II with Captain Peter Sarandinaki (Part II)
Demons, Sin, and Healing Through Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Michael Lillie
Priestly Celibacy and the Married Priesthood: My Conversation with Fr. Paul Jannakos
Converting to Russian Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Joshua Genig
The Truth About Pride Parades: My Conversation with Joshua Slocum
In Search of Grand Duke Michael with Captain Peter Sarandinaki (Part I)
The Hidden and Secret Things: Healing Catholic Wounds in Orthodoxy
“For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of They wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Though shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Though shalt wash
The Sexual Abuse of Boys in the Catholic Church: A Hidden One Thousand Year History
A Conversation with Fr. Moses McPherson About Fatherhood, Fatherlessness, and Faith
How I Survived Trad Catholicism
Three Orthodox Saints Who Changed My Life
Michael Knowles and Other Catholics Still Covering-up Child Sex Abuse in the Church
Lil Nas X, the Devil, and Jonathan Pageau: A Study in the Art of Clickbait
Bishop Robert Barron, Jordan Peterson, and Jonathan Pageau on Homosexuality: How They Get it Wrong
My Response to Jonathan Pageau: A Priest Sex Abuse Survivor Speaks Out
Speaking the Truth About Being Gay: My Conversation with Joshua Haymes
Art, Decadence, and Decline in the West: My Conversation with Fr. John Strickland
Orthodoxy, Fordhamites, and Homosexuality: My Conversation with Fr. Peter Heers
James Martin Blesses Gay Married Catholic Couple: With Commentary by Hudson Byblow
Blessing Same-Sex Couples — A Orthodox & Catholic Perspective w/ Fr. Alexis Baldwin and Dave Gordon
Grooming, Sex Abuse, and Bishop Robert Barron: A Conversation with Gene Gomulka
The Gay Catholic Civil War, Part Deux
“If you weep not now, when will you ever weep?”― Dante Alighieri, Inferno In 1993, I met a Mid-Western transplant who recently moved to the Castro from his conservative Bible-Belt small town. Resembling thousands of
The Truth About Bishop Robert Barron: A Conversation with Paul and Kristen Ciaccia
From Pentecostal to Catholic to Orthodox: My Conversation with Joseph the Dad
Abuse, Homosexuality, and the Catholic Church: My Conversation with Fr. Paul John Kalchik
From Gay Activist to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Robert Pavlick
Frequent Confession in the Russian Orthodox Church from the Viewpoint of a Convert
“The greatest paradox of our life is that while we all instinctively strive for happiness, most of the time we are unhappy and dissatisfied even when no danger threatens us. Philosophy is helpless in satisfactorily
If a man dresses well…He’s gay? My Conversation with Necktie Salvage
Orthodox Psychotherapy: My Conversation with Fr. Mikhail Baleka
Prayer to St. Joseph the Betrothed
O Holy, Righteous Joseph! While still living on earth, thou had great boldness before the Son of God, Who was pleased to call thee His father, as thou was betrothed to His Mother, and to
Converting to Russian Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Joshua Genig
In Search of Grand Duke Michael with Captain Peter Sarandinaki (Part I)
In Fear of God; or Learning to Love the Lord in Orthodoxy
“…in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” – Philippians 2:12 A good father should want his children to fear him – just a little bit. Otherwise, they would have almost
Trauma, Trust, and My Orthodox Baptism
“Can we do anything else but trust in God? God calls us to do much, and we have not much time to do it.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose On the Feast of “The Entry of
Abuse and Anger – Hate and Hell
“Father asks to have it passed on to all who have remained loyal to him and to those on whom they might have influence, that they not avenge him; he has forgiven and prays for
Saint Joseph Saved My Life
In order to save my life, God sent me the one saint who perfectly exemplified the human attributes that I most feared: FatherhoodMasculinityStrengthBraveryFortitude For as long as I could remember – I yearned to embody
The Rosary – From an Orthodox Perspective
Fr. Seraphim of Platina: The Life and Death of the Unlikeliest Russian Orthodox Monk
“He who does not live in Christ…already lives in the Abyss, and not all the treasures of this world can ever fill his emptiness.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose, "Nihilism: The Root of Revolution of the
My Lifelong Obsession with Icons
“…icons, just as well as the Scriptures, are expressions of the inexpressible.” – Vladimir Lossky I grew up around icons. My father was an immigrant from Sicily. What little he brought with him to the
Finding Forgiveness and Peace in the Midst of Corruption, Despair, and Anger
Above: Marie Spartali Stillman, "How the Virgin Came to Brother Conrad in Offia and Laid her Son in his Arms," 1892. “What he would have liked, without admitting it, was for the whole world, forever
Prayer of St. Mary of Egypt Before the Crucifix
Bring aid to one who has solace nowhere nowSave in you and your Son.I beg you, order the sacred doorsTo be opened to me;Mistress of heaven, allow me to look uponThe royal marks of the
Simplicity and Peace: Surviving Sex, Porn, and Fap Addictions
Give me the strength to seek you; Oh, you who allowed me to find you, and who gave me the hope of finding you more and more. – Saint Augustine For much of my life,
A Good Father Tells the Truth
Above: Eugène Burnand, "The Prodigal Son" (1908) My dad was a good father. I didn’t always think so. When I was a kid, I thought he ignored me; he paid more attention to his work,
Is the life of an unborn baby worth more than that of a gay man?
Above: Marooned, Howard Pyle (1909) During Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, she innocently referred to those with a “sexual preference;” according to the Human Rights Campaign, the correct term is
The Priests I Admire the Most – Are Probably Not Those You Would Expect
Above: "Blessing in the Village" by Hans Bachmann, late-19th century. “No one is ever holy without suffering.” ― Evelyn Waugh, “Brideshead Revisited” I have been around the world of traditional (trad) Catholicism for over 20
Sheltering at Home with St. Joseph, and My Father
Above: “The Icon Corner” by Vasily Maximov, 1869. “On our earth we can only love with suffering and through suffering. We cannot love otherwise, and we know of no other sort of love. I want
The Confusion About Saint Joseph’s “Doubt”
An often-repeated mischaracterization about St. Joseph, especially in films depicting the Holy Family, is that he initially thought that the Virgin Mary had committed adultery before their betrothal. According to St. Matthew: “When as his
In the Midst of Sorrow and Squalor – There is Still a Human Being
In my mid-to-late-twenties, I looked pretty extreme. I think almost everyone who knew me before had given up on me: an aunt I rarely saw, a close friend of my fathers, even some of my
James Martin or Bishop Thomas Paprocki: Who is Truly Compassionate and Sensitive?
Above: Jean Louis Forain, "Return of the Prodigal Son" (late-19th Century). On June 12, 2017, Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, issued an official decree “Regarding Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ and Related Pastoral
Contra Mundum Comes Home: Brideshead Revisited, Your Gay Relative, and a Twitch Upon the Thread
(Pictured above: Jeremy Irons as Charles, Anthony Andrews as Sebastian, and Jonathan Coy as Kurt in the 1981 UK miniseries “Brideshead Revisited.”) The 1945 novel “Brideshead Revisited” by English Catholic-convert Evelyn Waugh maintains an odd
A Holy Family, the lost child, and salvation from homosexuality
Above: John Dickson Batten, “The Family” (1886) I have no recollection of seeing my parents pray when I was a child. We never prayed the Rosary together as a family. I probably knew one prayer
Saint Joseph as Universal Foster-Father of All Men With Same-Sex Attraction
“And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.” (Luke 2:48) In his book “The Fatherhood
The Father is the only one who can carry his son…
On the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge, just north of San Francisco, is one of my favorite places to spend a quiet and sunny day walking and hiking. The area, part of the
Has the Church set the bar too high for those with same-sex attraction?
In his interview with Dave Rubin, Bishop Robert Barron said the following about homosexuality: In a certain way I wouldn’t want to press it further than that. That’s the Church’s job to say no to
Same-Sex Attraction, Chastity, and Porn Attachments
As a lonely and rejected little boy, my first discovery of gay pornography was like a miracle. In a sense, after years of being either ignored or mercilessly teased by other boys, and thus adoring
As I stood on the edge of hell, God was only one step away
Once I looked into the hole of hell. It was opened wide as if by a massive speculum. And what I saw inside was beautiful. Then, only for a mere second, I could see everything.
The False “Gay” Self, Possession, and Restoration through Humility
(Above: “The Prodigal Son” by Nikolay Losev, late-19th Century.) "The Holy Spirit is not an artist who draws the divine substance in us, as though he were alien to it. It is not in this
Even though I abandoned God, He never deserted me…
(Pictured above: “Wandering in a Field” by Vasily Perov, 1879.) In 1988, as a young, confused, and rather naïve teenage boy, I made a pilgrimage of sorts to the Castro District of San Francisco. In
Becoming God: Centering Prayer, the Catholic Church, and Homosexuality
According to the Spring 2015 Newsletter “Intercom,” from the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati – the centering prayer group at the predominantly “gay’ Catholic Parish of Most Holy Redeemer (MHR) located in the Castro District
Catholic dissenters on homosexuality take center stage at 2017 LA Congress
(Pictured above: Archbishop Jose Gomez with Fr. Chris Ponnet, Arthur Fitzmaurice, and the Plasencias.) At the 2017 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress a number of speakers are scheduled to talk about the LGBT issue. For
Catholic “rigidity,” the Latin Mass, and the traumas of modern life
“And I ask myself: Why so much rigidity? Dig, dig, this rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else. Rigidity is defensive. True love is not rigid.” –Pope Francis When I curiously returned to
Mass Exit: Why gay men find more sanctity in homosexuality than in Catholicism
(Pictured above: The opening segment from Madonna's MDNA Tour.) Recently, I attended Sunday Mass at a Southern California Catholic parish that also advertises an active LGBT ministry. The church was located in a rather well-to-do
The greatest prayer I ever offered up to God happened when I didn’t even know any prayers
(Pictured above: detail from “Saint Francis in Meditation” by Francisco de Zurbarán, 1635-9) “…many individuals think they are not praying when, indeed, their prayer is deep.” – St. John of the Cross After years of
Same-Sex Attraction, Porn Recovery, and St. Joseph: Keeping calm in the midst of chaos.
A good Catholic priest, who was very instrumental in my recovery from both same-sex attraction and an addiction to pornography, always had the same recommendation for me whenever I talked with him about my great
Gay Marriage and Transgenderism – A Sign of Civilization’s Decline and Fall
St. Alexius of Rome lived from about 410-460 AD; this period was at the heart of cultural, social, and political collapse in the already waning Roman Empire; during this period, as a whole, Rome was
What being an altar boy – once meant to a former gay man
For the most part, my childhood in Catholic parochial schools was a nightmare. Almost from the get-go I was a rather shy, artistic, and introverted kid. I was woefully uncoordinated and completely disinterested in the
What those leaving “gay” – really need from the Church
“And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more.” (John 8:11) “Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within
Masculinity, TV Westerns, and Brokeback Mountain
“When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching.” – Robert Bly From the early-1950s to the late-60s, there were over a hundred Western
Simplicity and Peace: Surviving Sex, Porn, and Fap Addictions
Give me the strength to seek you; Oh, you who allowed me to find you, and who gave me the hope of finding you more and more. – Saint Augustine For much of my life,
Conversion, Coming Home, and Hope in a Time of Chaos
Much of my life was chaotic. But it wasn’t always so. At home, as a child, before I became exposed to the wider world, I often felt safe and loved. Yet, almost immediately, in school,
The Easy and Ugly Labeling of Abuse Victims at the Vatican’s Synod on Young People
In the midst of a worldwide sex abuse scandal, at the 2018 “Vatican Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment” there is an effort by some within the Catholic Church to include for
Gay Marriage Causes AIDS
For years, since the beginning of the AIDS crisis, diverse voices have been calling for a radical remaking of “gay” male culture away from the swinging sex of the 1970s into a more domesticated phase
The End of the Rainbow: When sex, porn, and “gay” become increasingly pointless and shallow…
As with all sorts of obsessive compulsions and addictions, there is a constant descent into a numbing world of pervasive boredom and dissatisfaction. Saint John of the Cross understood this phenomenon as stemming from a
St. Joseph the Worker as the Model of Healing for the Sons of St. Joseph
“St. Joseph takes us into his carpenter shop; and (as the sun glances through the open door) he teaches us not in words but in deeds that in the glorious drama of life in which
Last exit to “gay” – How to get out of homosexuality
In 1999, I took my last drive out of San Francisco as a “gay” man. After a particularly hard night of sex and partying, I was vomiting up blood and thought I was near death.
In One Year – 50% of Gay Men Contracted a Sexually Transmitted Disease
“For 32 months, researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco tracked the health of over 600 people as they used Truvada daily to prevent the virus in a real-world setting. The average
The Gay Well – A Big Empty Hole in the Ground
In the first place, man, the image of God, was created “male and female” (Gen 1:27). Men and women are equal as persons and complementary as male and female. Sexuality is something that pertains to
Band-Aids on Bullet Wounds: Where Faith Based Approaches to Homosexuality Have Failed
When the Lord first Saved me from the sad and lonely world of homosexuality – I quickly realized that my problems, past, present and future, would go way beyond just the struggle for any enduring
I Was The Other Man: An Insiders Look At Why Gay Marriage Will Never Work
During the 10-plus years I spent in the homosexual lifestyle, twice I became the “other man” in the midst of a so-called gay marriage. At the time, since same-sex marriage was not recognized in the
The Gay Sex Secret Homosexuals Want No One to Know
As stated in a featured research article presented at Microbicides 2010, The International Conference on Microbicides: “In the United States alone, receptive anal intercourse is practiced in up to 90 percent of gay and other
Oops!… I Did it Again: Why the US Government Misled Gay Men About AIDS…and, why they are still doing it.
Back in the 1980s, the gay political-power pushers and their accomplices in the US Government and the media endlessly proselytized that the use of condoms (specifically in conjunction with Nonoxynol-9 [N-9]: a spermicide that attacks
Artist Keith Haring on Fathers and Homosexuality
“…in a lot of cases homosexual men don’t have a particularly good relationship with their parents, especially their father. Maybe their fathers had totally rejected them.” ~ Keith Haring* * Keith Haring died of AIDS
Why Is There So Much Porn in Gay Culture?
(Above: One of the many porn-plastered store fronts in the Castro.) Everything nowadays seems to be saturated in a new form of porn-chic: from Abercrombie and Fitch advertisements to Kim Kardashian and a daily slew
Father’s Day Exposes a Family Tragedy in Gay Culture
(Above picture: From the below mentioned article.) In an ironic turn of truthfulness, that invariably reveals much about homosexuality and its root causes, a famous gay web-site heralded: “This Father’s Day there’s no shortage of
Hell Is For Real
Yesterday, I saw the very sweet film “Heaven Is For Real;” a movie about what happens when a precious, innocent, and untouched little boy has a near-death experience. I could immediately relate, as I too
Go West, Young Man; And Die! The Continuing Horror of AIDS
FIGURE 1. Estimated percentage of persons diagnosed with HIV with infection attributed to male-to-male contact or male-to-male contact and injection drug use, by area of residence — National HIV Surveillance System, United States, 2011. In
Conversion, Coming Home, and Hope in a Time of Chaos
Much of my life was chaotic. But it wasn’t always so. At home, as a child, before I became exposed to the wider world, I often felt safe and loved. Yet, almost immediately, in school,
James Martin and His “Same-Sex Afflicted” Centurion
During an interview with The Jesuit Post, James Martin said the following: …it seems like the majority of the LGBT Catholic community does not agree with the church’s teaching on same-sex relations:
Dore Alley Outreach 2017
And they began to pray him that he would depart from their coasts. And when he went up into the ship, he that had been troubled with the devil, began to beseech him that he
San Francisco “Pride” Outreach 2017
Our Lord calls us to come nearer to him, to be like him: "Be imitators of God, as his dearly beloved children," cooperating humbly but fervently in the divine purpose of mending what is broken,
A Holy Family, the lost child, and salvation from homosexuality
Above: John Dickson Batten, “The Family” (1886) I have no recollection of seeing my parents pray when I was a child. We never prayed the Rosary together as a family. I probably knew one prayer
Who am I to choose? – Catholics cannot agree if same-sex desires are chosen.
Several well-known Catholic priests, speakers, and writers have recently talked about the issue of homosexuality and purposefully emphasized the point: that a homosexual attraction, desire, or inclination is not a choice. Here are some
2016 San Francisco Pride Outreach – You Are Not Gay!
Family Lies: Why some parents would rather embrace “gay” than face the truth…
The Catholic mother of a “gay” son, after finding out about his homosexuality, said: “I felt a great sigh of relief since I had imagined many worse things like: drugs, terrible sickness, trouble with police,
Respected, Welcomed, and Accompanied – The new Catholic “gay” guide for families
“The Church has modeled her attitude to the Lord Jesus that in the boundless love he offered to every person without exception (MV, 12). To the families who live the experience to have within them
Folsom Street Fair Outreach 2015
“Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person-to-person.” “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.
“To those who say I am gay…” – Summer Outreach in the Castro
To those who say: ‘I am gay,” I proclaim that – “There is another way!” I am often asked what I talk about with the gay men and women I meet at these outreaches: it’s
Dore Alley 2015 Outreach
“I will seek that which was lost: and that which was driven away, I will bring again: and I will bind up that which was broken, and I will strengthen that which was weak…” (Ezk
The Case for Gay Intervention
The best show on TV right now is A&E’s “Intervention.” It is thoroughly compelling and incredibly difficult to watch. Dealing primarily with alcohol and drug addiction, the hour long program features one or several addicts,
“They Are All Looking for a Father;” and more musing from the 2015 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade
This year’s San Francisco Gay Pride Parade was billed as “historic” because just two days before, the Supreme Court issued its ruling which legalized same-sex marriage throughout the US. Yet, despite the apparent reasons to
Healing the Gay Family Tree
“The Gospels clearly describe the fatherly responsibility of Joseph toward Jesus. For salvation-which comes through the humanity of Jesus-is realized in actions which are an everyday part of family life, in keeping with that ‘condescension’
The Missing Gay Piece to the Puzzle
Inside every heart of a gay man or woman is a missing piece to the puzzle. Even though, we were all born intact – something along the way: an unloving parent, a vicious bully at
“A Christmas Carol” As a Lesson in Gay Outreach
“There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,” returned the nephew. “Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought
While Supporting Gay Surrogacy, Jordan Peterson Makes the Case for Transgenderism
I first became an admirer of Jordan Peterson way back in 2016. When he was a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Peterson pushed back against a Canadian law compelling speech in terms
Do The Village People Have Blood on Their Hands?
I was born in 1969. The year of Woodstock, the vicious Charles Manson murders, and the Stonewall Riots. My early cohort of Generation X were amongst the first Americans to grow-up entirely in a world
If a man dresses well…He’s gay? My Conversation with Necktie Salvage
The Pornification of America: My Conversation with Julie Mastrine
From Gay Porn to God: My Conversation with Philipp Tanzer
What Happened to Christian Culture in the West? My Conversation with Raymond Vincent
Masculinity, TV Westerns, and Brokeback Mountain
“When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching.” – Robert Bly From the early-1950s to the late-60s, there were over a hundred Western
Mark Houck’s “Forward” to My 2013 Book
In 2012, through my friend – the late Shelley Lubben – I met a courageous and selfless young man named Mark Houck. Back then, I was trying to write a short book about my experiences
Selling Your Soul For NOTHING
“A dungeon horrible, on all sides round,As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flamesNo light; but rather darkness visible…” – John Milton, "Paradise Lost" There is an extraordinarily haunting and even somewhat terrifying scene
Hallucinogenics, UFOs, and Fr. Seraphim Rose: My Conversation with David Patrick Harry
From the Occult to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Turbo Qualls
Made in China: Religious Imagery as Communist Kitsch
“Murder and arson, betrayal and terror.Mutilate your subjects, if you must.But with my last breath, I beg you……do not mutilate the arts.” ― Gaius Petronius, “Quo Vadis” (1951) The mass production of inexpensive religious devotional
Where the Boys Are: A Reevaluation
I have been interested in the life and career of actress Dolores Hart ever since I saw her in the 1961 film “Francis of Assisi.” I thought her performance as Saint Clare was exquisitely sensitive
The Family, Fatherhood, and Masculinity in the Rebooted Series “Lost in Space.”
When I was a boy, I adored male television characters who were strong and assertive: James West in “The Wild, Wild West,” Steve Austin in “The Six Million Dollar Man,” and Lieutenant Starbuck in “Battlestar
“Call Me by Your Name” and the perpetuation of boy-love in gay male culture
[Warning: Some graphic descriptions and links.] Upon it’s release, the film “Call Me by Your Name” was almost instantaneously heralded by the majority of movie critics as “an erotic triumph,” and “a beguiling tale of
Dead Gay Porn Stars: 2016-2018
MAY THEY REST IN PEACE: Alexander Gustavo Age 31 Cause of Death: Suicide Max Schutler Age 35 Cause of Death: Unknown Tyler Sky Age 26 Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest Billy Herrington Age 48 Cause
The Vatican Nativity, Homoeroticism, and the Difference Between Art and Porn
The 2017 Vatican Nativity, located at the center of Saint Peter’s Square in Rome, recently incited controversy primarily because of a figure depicting a nude man. The theme for the Nativity is the “Seven Corporal
Look What You Made Me Do: Sexual Freedom and Bondage from Soft-Core to Taylor Swift
In her latest music video, for the single “Look What You Made Me Do,” during one scene, Taylor Swift appears in the guise of a dominatrix, holding a riding crop whip as she stands in
Slaves to Sin: The World of BDSM and Why America is Obsessed with Bondage
The “Fifty Shades of Grey” sequel opened recently and it did extremely well at the box-office in the US and overseas. In fact, the film had the fourth largest international opening of all-time for an
Same-Sex Attraction, Chastity, and Porn Attachments
As a lonely and rejected little boy, my first discovery of gay pornography was like a miracle. In a sense, after years of being either ignored or mercilessly teased by other boys, and thus adoring
The Cult: gay as religious fanaticism
(Pictured above: the gay god Antinous.) The gay god: “When he first came to New York he used to stay for days, and wanted to live there; the Baths were a kind of paradise. But
New York City and the New Gay Wasteland
A new study of “gay” men who recently relocated to New York City, from both outside the country and within the US, revealed that: “Participants described encountering an abundance of sexual opportunity in New York
Gay Marriage and Transgenderism – A Sign of Civilization’s Decline and Fall
St. Alexius of Rome lived from about 410-460 AD; this period was at the heart of cultural, social, and political collapse in the already waning Roman Empire; during this period, as a whole, Rome was
20 “gay” and trans moments in animated television and comic-books – you never even knew happened.
“The best way to change hearts and minds is through media,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, president and chief executive of GLAAD. Seventy-three percent of millennials, or adults born after 1980, were in favor of same-sex
Gay Porn Star Dead from Overdose at Age 30
Xander Scott 1986-2016 RIP
The Accepted Centrality of the Father-Son Conflict in Star Wars and Star Trek; and, its negation in male homosexuality.
“For years, psychology and psychiatry have bandied around theories that homosexuality is caused by parental personality types -- the dominant female, the weak male -- or by the absence of same-gender role models. Those theories
The father-son dynamic, “gay” porn, and the dark wounded heart of male homosexuality…
“I love dad/son role play and working with a great therapist came to be able to listen to my own internal compass and dismiss outside judgment. I am most comfortable with younger men. There is
David Bowie: Another Broken Boy
In most respects, the late singer and actor David Bowie conformed to what I have labeled as the “classic gay boy” syndrome: a boy with a detached and unloving father, certain effeminate traits, and an
Gay Porn Actor Dead at 21
Jasper Robinson 1994-2015 RIP
Gay Porn Star Dead at 20
Dimitri Kane 1995-2015 RIP
2015: 3 more dead gay porn stars
"King B" (1990-2015) Blue Blake (1966-2015) Zac Stevens (1990-2015)
5 “gay” male celebrities – 5 stories of heartache and loss…
The common denominator among all “gay” men is a childhood usually filled with some sort of alienation, inadequacy, pain, neglect, and or abuse. A number of them have experienced all of these emotions, others just
Three “gay” insiders reveal the truth about homosexuality…
Porn director Mr. Pam had this to say about the men she works with in the gay pornography industry: “A lot of the guys had a sh***y childhood, or were dealt a bad deck of
Former Seminarian Turned Gay Porn Star Dies
Bruno Bordas* 19??-2015 RIP *According to an interview conducted in 2008, Bordas revealed that he spent time at an Argentine seminary studying for the priesthood before leaving to enter the gay lifestyle and the porn
Fifth Gay Porn Death of 2015
Mateo Stanford 1980-2015 RIP
The Father of a Priest Sex Abuse Victim is Excommunicated: My Conversation with Scott “Alex” Peyton
Catholics and Their Fake Graph: How the Laity Continues to Enable Abuse in the Church
Demons, Sin, and Healing Through Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Michael Lillie
Priestly Celibacy and the Married Priesthood: My Conversation with Fr. Paul Jannakos
The Hidden and Secret Things: Healing Catholic Wounds in Orthodoxy
“For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of They wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Though shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Though shalt wash
The Sexual Abuse of Boys in the Catholic Church: A Hidden One Thousand Year History
How I Survived Trad Catholicism
Michael Knowles and Other Catholics Still Covering-up Child Sex Abuse in the Church
Art, Decadence, and Decline in the West: My Conversation with Fr. John Strickland
Orthodoxy, Fordhamites, and Homosexuality: My Conversation with Fr. Peter Heers
James Martin Blesses Gay Married Catholic Couple: With Commentary by Hudson Byblow
Blessing Same-Sex Couples — A Orthodox & Catholic Perspective w/ Fr. Alexis Baldwin and Dave Gordon
The Gay Catholic Civil War, Part Deux
“If you weep not now, when will you ever weep?”― Dante Alighieri, Inferno In 1993, I met a Mid-Western transplant who recently moved to the Castro from his conservative Bible-Belt small town. Resembling thousands of
Abuse, Homosexuality, and the Catholic Church: My Conversation with Fr. Paul John Kalchik
Social Media, Influencers, and the Complicity of the Silent
“Wherever there is degeneration and apathy, there also is sexual perversion, cold depravity, miscarriage, premature old age, grumbling youth, there is a decline in the arts, indifference to science, and injustice in all its forms.”
In Fear of God; or Learning to Love the Lord in Orthodoxy
“…in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” – Philippians 2:12 A good father should want his children to fear him – just a little bit. Otherwise, they would have almost
Why Men are Drawn to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Michael Butler
Trauma, Trust, and My Orthodox Baptism
“Can we do anything else but trust in God? God calls us to do much, and we have not much time to do it.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose On the Feast of “The Entry of
San Francisco Catholic Parish Hosts Pride Happy Hour at Gay Bar
On June 22, 2022, the “Young Adult Group” at the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Most Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Parish (MHR) will host a “Pride Month Parish-Wide Happy Hour” at The Mix Bar in the
Abuse and Anger – Hate and Hell
“Father asks to have it passed on to all who have remained loyal to him and to those on whom they might have influence, that they not avenge him; he has forgiven and prays for
Grooming in Catholic Seminaries: My Conversation with Gene Gomulka
Cardinal Pell: A Catholic Hero?
Why I Could No Longer Stay in the Roman Catholic Church
I felt sick. I was nauseous. My stomach hurt. I stood up, turned around, and headed for the exit. Outside in the hall, I looked around. I saw a sign and walked towards the restroom.
Made in China: Religious Imagery as Communist Kitsch
“Murder and arson, betrayal and terror.Mutilate your subjects, if you must.But with my last breath, I beg you……do not mutilate the arts.” ― Gaius Petronius, “Quo Vadis” (1951) The mass production of inexpensive religious devotional
Fr. Seraphim of Platina: The Life and Death of the Unlikeliest Russian Orthodox Monk
“He who does not live in Christ…already lives in the Abyss, and not all the treasures of this world can ever fill his emptiness.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose, "Nihilism: The Root of Revolution of the
Pro-Gay Religious Order Still Oversees “Gayest” Parish in San Francisco
On March 21, 2021, Fr. Joe Nassal, C.PP.S., celebrated Mass at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church (MHR) in San Francisco. In a 2015 article from “The National Catholic Reporter,” MHR was described as “the ‘gayest’
Why the Latin Mass Won’t Save the Catholic Church
Above: "Sick man at the walls of a Catholic monastery," by Fyodor Bronnikov (1874). “If a person can build a fence around himself, he is bound to do it.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn One day, I
Returning to the Catholic Church; or Planet LV-426
“If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust; the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter,
The Persistence of Grooming in the Catholic Church
“It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky In the year 2000, I went on a pilgrimage to France. One of my
Surviving the Catholic Church
Above: Edvard Munch, "Hospital Ward" (1897—1899). “Have I not suffered enough, that you seek to increase my misery?” – Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein” (1818) Over the years, I’ve spent countless hours in hospitals. At times, due
Paulist Fathers Offer “Queer” Advent Reflections
In honor of the Advent season, the Paulist Fathers offered LGBTQ “Advent Reflections” for the year 2020. Each reflection, was written by a member of the Paulist LGBTQ outreach ministry – Out at St. Paul
Dominican Sisters Hosting Zoom Sessions for Priests About Trans Parishioners
On October 27, November 18, and December 15, 2020, the Dominican Sisters of Peace are hosting ongoing Zoom sessions to educate Catholic priests on “how to better serve their trans parishioners.” More than 30 priests
Fordham’s Bryan Massingale “jubilant” after Francis comes-out for same-sex unions
Above: Massingale speaking at New Ways Ministry’s 8th National Symposium in 2017. On October 23, 2020, Fr. Bryan Massingale was interviewed by NPR about Pope Francis' statements concerning same-sex civil unions. When asked about the
No Habeo Papam: How Pope Francis Lost Me
When I was a child, at best, I would describe Catholicism as an occasionally pleasant distraction. After Mass on Sunday, my father usually took us to get donuts; at school, “religion class” was a welcome
Is the life of an unborn baby worth more than that of a gay man?
Above: Marooned, Howard Pyle (1909) During Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, she innocently referred to those with a “sexual preference;” according to the Human Rights Campaign, the correct term is
Confessions of a Former Prolapsed Catholic
At mid-life, with the possibility of another corrective surgery looming before me, I often get angry. During my early-30s, I spent a lot of time in recovery. I underwent a series of medical procedures meant
Jesuits Hosting Pro-LGBTQ Retreat
From October 9 – 10, 2020, at their Jesuit Retreat Center located in Parma, Ohio, (Diocese of Cleveland) the Society of Jesus will host an LGBTQ retreat called “Emmaus 2020: A Time for Healing: Ourselves
The Church Gave Me Nowhere Else to Go – Except Gay
The P.E. teacher told everyone to form a line and face forward. Oh my god, I thought to myself. Not again. How these two alpha-preadolescent-boys were chosen to stand before me, I had no idea;
Remaining in a Church That Hurt(s) Me
It seems to be a fact that you have to suffer as much from the Church as for it… ― Flannery O'Connor, "The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor" At mid-life, I have absolutely
The Church as Horror Hospital: Catholicism and Moral Malpractice
I was sick; I was dying; I needed help. After a night of rough sex inside a San Francisco bondage club, I collapsed onto the cold pavement somewhere near the Castro District. I had nowhere
The Ugly Truth About Christopher Rufo, The Manhattan Institute, and the Normalization of Homosexuality
[Warning: Some of the links in this article contain disturbing material.] I first became aware of Christopher Rufo when scrolling through the responses to Dave Rubin’s announcement on X concerning the imminent birth of two
The Tragic Story of Elon Musk and His Transgender Son
Recently, I read a series of incredibly poignant and heartbreaking posts on the social media site “Threads” which were written by Vivian Jenna Wilson. Dated July 25, 2024, much of what Vivian described was very
Seeking Salvation in Perversity; or looking for God in a Godless world
“Behold, I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right
The Fruits of a Fatherless Society: My Conversation with Fr. Photius Avant
While Supporting Gay Surrogacy, Jordan Peterson Makes the Case for Transgenderism
I first became an admirer of Jordan Peterson way back in 2016. When he was a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Peterson pushed back against a Canadian law compelling speech in terms
Do The Village People Have Blood on Their Hands?
I was born in 1969. The year of Woodstock, the vicious Charles Manson murders, and the Stonewall Riots. My early cohort of Generation X were amongst the first Americans to grow-up entirely in a world
Orthodox Psychotherapy: My Conversation with Fr. Mikhail Baleka
The Truth About Pride Parades: My Conversation with Joshua Slocum
The Hidden and Secret Things: Healing Catholic Wounds in Orthodoxy
“For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of They wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Though shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Though shalt wash
The Gay Catholic Civil War, Part Deux
“If you weep not now, when will you ever weep?”― Dante Alighieri, Inferno In 1993, I met a Mid-Western transplant who recently moved to the Castro from his conservative Bible-Belt small town. Resembling thousands of
From Gay Activist to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Robert Pavlick
Gays, Greeks, and Christianity: My Conversation with Fr. George Aquaro
The Gay War Against Arthur Goldberg
Same-Sex Attraction and Childhood Sexual Abuse – The Evidence
In the 21st Century, LGBT activists and their allies have repeatedly claimed that gay people are born gay; and trans people are born in the wrong body. But there is no evidence to substantiate any
Gay: Nature, Nurture or Trauma?
Groomed by Gays: Abuse, Transgenderism, and the Homosexual Infiltration of CONservatism
The Battle Over LGBT Ideology: My Conversation with Brandon Showalter
The Rainbow Cult and Mental Health: My Conversation with Fr. Ben Johnson
The TRUTH About Gays Against Groomers: My Conversation with Daren Mehl
The LGBT War Against Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. John Whiteford
Masculinity, TV Westerns, and Brokeback Mountain
“When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching.” – Robert Bly From the early-1950s to the late-60s, there were over a hundred Western
Childhood Trauma, Homosexuality, and the Prison of the Mind
I have no formal education in the fields of psychiatry or psychology – this essay is merely an exploration of my own experiences as a person with mental illness. A person who sprained their ankle
The Wound That Wouldn’t Heal
Above: Edvard Munch, "Melancholy" (1892.) As a child, I think I was a bit of a dreamer. My father and mother worked to exhaustion, trying to give their children a better life. And my siblings,
James Martin argues that the Catechism contributes to LGBT youth suicide
In a recent interview, James Martin, S.J., clearly implied (by repeating gay-advocacy talking-points) that language in “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” directly contributes to the high level of teen suicides among LGBT young people. [Interviewer] Well
HIV, Gay Marriage, and the Crisis in Male Homosexuality
Above: Hugh Steers, "Breathing" (1987). There exists today a massive crisis within the “gay” community that is a direct result of the intense trauma, particularly in “gay” men, experienced during the height of AIDS epidemic.
Born to Bottom; or God didn’t make me gay.
(Above: Scene from the 2016 film "The Lost City of Z.") “Surely I was made for some other purpose than this?” – Evelyn Waugh, “Brideshead Revisited” I was the last one born into my family.
Surviving Gay…Barely
Marble Torso of a God or Athlete, Roman Imperial, circa 1st/2nd Century A.D. In 1989, I walked into the world famous Castro District of San Francisco as a disaffected young man of almost nineteen years
The Ugly Truth About Gay Male Sex
According to the CDC: “Anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV.” Causes “immunosuppression…” …the immunosuppression in homosexual males that is reported even in apparently healthy or HTLV-III-antibody-negative groups may
Same-Sex Attraction, Chastity, and Porn Attachments
As a lonely and rejected little boy, my first discovery of gay pornography was like a miracle. In a sense, after years of being either ignored or mercilessly teased by other boys, and thus adoring
As I stood on the edge of hell, God was only one step away
Once I looked into the hole of hell. It was opened wide as if by a massive speculum. And what I saw inside was beautiful. Then, only for a mere second, I could see everything.
The False “Gay” Self, Possession, and Restoration through Humility
(Above: “The Prodigal Son” by Nikolay Losev, late-19th Century.) "The Holy Spirit is not an artist who draws the divine substance in us, as though he were alien to it. It is not in this
The Cult: gay as religious fanaticism
(Pictured above: the gay god Antinous.) The gay god: “When he first came to New York he used to stay for days, and wanted to live there; the Baths were a kind of paradise. But
CDC: High rates of STDs among gay men
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (collectively referred to as MSM) are at increased risk for STDs, including antimicrobial resistant gonorrhea, when compared to women and exclusively heterosexual men. Because STDs,
The Raw Reality of Locker-Room Talk: An ex-gay perspective
(Above: Detail from "The Shower After the Battle" by Alexandre Alexandrovitch Deineka, 1944.) For some “gay” men, one of the most traumatic memories of high-school is the embarrassing and uncomfortable experience of gym class and
“gay” men more likely to catch STI if on PrEP
“We conducted a meta-analysis to summarize rates of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men (MSM) on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV versus MSM not using PrEP. Incidence rate ratios showed that
Epidemic of STIs and drug use among happy “gay” men in San Francisco
Although the number of HIV infections among “gay” men in San Francisco have decreased, there are also disturbing and dramatic increases in sexual transmitted infections including rectal gonorrhea and syphilis. The drop in HIV infections
The Fruits of a Fatherless Society: My Conversation with Fr. Photius Avant
The Father of a Priest Sex Abuse Victim is Excommunicated: My Conversation with Scott “Alex” Peyton
Orthodox Psychotherapy: My Conversation with Fr. Mikhail Baleka
Catholics and Their Fake Graph: How the Laity Continues to Enable Abuse in the Church
The Catholic Church Wants to Memory Hole the Abuse Crisis: My Conversation with Kelly Cresswell
Forced Celibacy and Gay Sex Cults in Catholic Seminaries: My Conversation with Gene Gomulka
In Search of Grand Duke Michael and Czar Nicholas II with Captain Peter Sarandinaki (Part II)
Demons, Sin, and Healing Through Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Michael Lillie
Priestly Celibacy and the Married Priesthood: My Conversation with Fr. Paul Jannakos
Converting to Russian Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Fr. Joshua Genig
The Truth About Pride Parades: My Conversation with Joshua Slocum
In Search of Grand Duke Michael with Captain Peter Sarandinaki (Part I)
The Sexual Abuse of Boys in the Catholic Church: A Hidden One Thousand Year History
A Conversation with Fr. Moses McPherson About Fatherhood, Fatherlessness, and Faith
How I Survived Trad Catholicism
Three Orthodox Saints Who Changed My Life
Michael Knowles and Other Catholics Still Covering-up Child Sex Abuse in the Church
Lil Nas X, the Devil, and Jonathan Pageau: A Study in the Art of Clickbait
Bishop Robert Barron, Jordan Peterson, and Jonathan Pageau on Homosexuality: How They Get it Wrong
My Response to Jonathan Pageau: A Priest Sex Abuse Survivor Speaks Out
Speaking the Truth About Being Gay: My Conversation with Joshua Haymes
Art, Decadence, and Decline in the West: My Conversation with Fr. John Strickland
James Martin Blesses Gay Married Catholic Couple: With Commentary by Hudson Byblow
Blessing Same-Sex Couples — A Orthodox & Catholic Perspective w/ Fr. Alexis Baldwin and Dave Gordon
Grooming, Sex Abuse, and Bishop Robert Barron: A Conversation with Gene Gomulka
The Truth About Bishop Robert Barron: A Conversation with Paul and Kristen Ciaccia
From Pentecostal to Catholic to Orthodox: My Conversation with Joseph the Dad
Abuse, Homosexuality, and the Catholic Church: My Conversation with Fr. Paul John Kalchik
From Gay Activist to Orthodoxy: My Conversation with Robert Pavlick
If a man dresses well…He’s gay? My Conversation with Necktie Salvage
Gays, Greeks, and Christianity: My Conversation with Fr. George Aquaro
The Gay War Against Arthur Goldberg
Orthodox Millennials: My Conversation with Jordan and Josh
Gay: Nature, Nurture or Trauma?
Groomed by Gays: Abuse, Transgenderism, and the Homosexual Infiltration of CONservatism
The Battle Over LGBT Ideology: My Conversation with Brandon Showalter
The Gays vs. Russia: My Conversation with Jim Jatras
The Pornification of America: My Conversation with Julie Mastrine
From Protestant and Atheist to Orthodox: My Conversation with Buck Johnson
Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and the Cross: My Conversation with Fr. John Strickland